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I hope you came to school today. I wanted to see you if you're really ok.

"Irene! Are you listening?" Wendy said that made me get back on my senses.

"What?" I ask annoyed. I've been thinking about her and here she is, cutting my dream.

"I said, Lisa is here" she said. I quickly roam my eyes but quickly got disappointed when I didn't saw her.

"See? She's that whipped" Seulgi said. I smack Wendy and Seulgi's head.

How dare they play with my feelings!? "I promise, Lisa came here at school today. I even saw her at her locker" Joy said.

Then where is she now!? I didn't see her. "Don't worry unnie, you'll see her later" Yeri said assuring me.

As if on cue, the door open revealing the love of my life. How I wish I'm clinging in your long arms.

"Ok, she's happy now" Nayeon said as she take a bit from her sandwich.

"Unnie, why does Jennie looking at Lisa like that?" Seulgi ask.

I look at where she is looking and there she is, the bitch of the school. I didn't even know how she got that popularity, is it because of her beauty?

"Uh-oh, someone is jealous" Joy said and whistle. Why would I be jealous!? I'm not even Lisa's lover in the first place.

"Irene, I have a plan" I look at Seulgi in confusion. If this plan of her is just a trash, I'll kill her.

"We're going to change the concept of the dance club, performing with partners" she stated.

"As Seulgi is saying, with partners" Joy repeated as if I didn't understand what Seulgi said earlier.

"You're saying that Irene unnie should be Lisa's partner?" Nayeon said more like asking.

"Exactly, Irene should be Lisa's partner" Seulgi said. Can't she see me panicking when Lisa is near me?

"I don't want too, I'm not even good at dancing" I said and take a sip from my water.

"But this is your chance Irene, if you didn't use this chance Lisa will be in your enemy" she said as she look somewhere.

I then look where she's looking at and I saw Jieun, my one and only rival. "I heard that she likes Lisa too" Yeri said uninterested.

We're rival at everything, she always find a fight and now she's going to get my Lisa!? I won't let that happen, she's maybe the top 1 of this school last year but now, I'll get back my title.

"You should do a move Irene unnie" Yeri said at me. "Accept what I'm saying Irene, and you'll be amaze of how good Lisa is when it comes to dancing" Seulgi said encouraging me.

I'm about to answer when a phone interrupt me. "Is it one of you?" I ask them and they shook their head.

"Umm.... excuse me guys" I look forward- well their table isn't that far from us because it's just 2 tables ahead- and I saw Lisa getting up while looking at her phone.

"Hey, her phone didn't even rang, why would she get up?" Nayeon said that earn a nod from the others.

I follow her with my gaze, she stop midway to the door- maybe she sense that someone is staring at her because she look around just to find the culprit.

When she didn't see that particular eyes that is staring at her, she walk fast towards the door and walk at the safe place.

"Look at her" Wendy said and we all look at Lisa. Lisa then pull out something on her pocket and it's another phone.

"That's the latest iPhone right?" Joy ask that earn a shook from Yeri.

"That iPhone should be released last time but it got delayed and will be released at October, how come she have iPhone 12!?" she exclaim.

"That's iPhone 12!? I thought it's just iPhone 11 pro max" Nayeon exclaim.

"And everyone said she's just a scholar here, why would she have iPhone 12? Maybe you just misunderstood the phone Yeri" Seulgi said to Yeri.

"Believe me unnies, that's really iPhone 12 and look, it has her name printed in the phone" she said and point at the back of her phone.

There is really a name, that engraved on the back of her phone. "Lalice? Her name is Lalisa right?" Joy said that earn a nod from Seulgi.

"Maybe it's her nickname?" I said to them. "Maybe unnie, your lover is really mysterious" Wendy said.

I blush at her remark, how I wish I can really call her my lover. The door opened again revealing the person that I don't want to see.

"Hi my love" he said as he grin at me. I just rolled my eyes secretly. I smile at him fakely, "Suho" I said and fake my sweet voice.

I wanna puke right now, this gays are everywhere. I look at Suho's back and I saw Lisa standing there looking out of nowhere while smiling very sweetly. How I wish I am the cause of that smile.

"I have this for you" he said and give me the flowers that his minion is carrying.

I smile fakely at him again, I want to give my sweetest smile on you but how can I do that? "Thank you" I said. Wanted to puke at his guts.

"I'll drive you to your house" he said and smile at me. I know what you really want, get inside my pants and I won't let you.

"Actually, we're going to the mall" Nayeon said breaking our conversation. Thank you Nayeon, for saving my ass.

"Is that so? I'll just drive you home tomorrow then" he said and walk away with his minions.

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