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I'm happy and angry at the same time. I'm happy because finally, I got to hold my love's hand and I assure you that her hands is so soft.

I'm angry because Suzy, my dear cousin is so close to the love of my life.

"Someone is happy" Wendy said. "And angry at the same time" Yeri said and I glare at her.

"Who's not gonna be angry? Look at Irene's cousin" Nayeon said as she point at Suzy who's literally clinging to my love.

"They are pretty close, are you sure that they are just friends unnie? They look like a couple now" Joy said that earn a nod from Seulgi.

"Just accept my proposal Irene, you'll have a chance to talk and be with her" she said. "She's right unnie, if she don't make a move or she doesn't really like you, you should do the first move then" Wendy added.

"I don't know" I don't know if I should accept it. I mean, yeah I'm good at everything as what they say but when it comes to performances, I don't know.

"Come on, you can do it and Lisa will teach you how to do the steps" Joy said as a matter of factly tone.

"If not, we'll find her partner or she'll do it solo" Seulgi said and shrug her shoulder.

"I really don't know" I said as I look down on my fingers.

"If I were you Irene unnie, I'll make the first move, I also have a crush on Lisa, unnie" Joy said. I glared at her.

"Really? The hottie of the school have a crush on their so called nerd" Nayeon said to her.

"Why not? She's hot and cool, it's just that they really didn't saw her" Joy said. Well, she's right, Lisa is cool and hot.

My baby is really cool and hot! "We know it unnie, Lisa is cool and hot but she's not your baby" Seulgi said.

"But she's more hot when you saw her in sports bra" Wendy said with sparks on her eyes.

"Hmmm.... yummy" Yeri said and lick her lips. What the heck!? "It looks delicious" Joy said to me.

"And that is really hard" Nayeon said. I suddenly stood up, I know all of them are pervert but I didn't know they are like this.

The students look at my direction and I quickly apologize. I then look at Lisa's direction and she's looking at me weirdly.

I quickly sat down, embarrass because my crush just look at me like I committed a crime.

"Gosh! That's embarrassing" I mumble enough for the douchebags to hear it.

"At least Lisa look at you" Seulgi tease. I blush, I remember her hands on mine but how about her lips?

Gosh! I'm becoming a pervert now. "I'll get going now Lalice, I'll pick you up here after your dance practice ok? Love you" I heard Suzy said.

I look at their direction but regret it when I saw Suzy kiss Lisa on the cheeks. "Love you too Suz" Lisa said as she wave at Suzy.

I didn't even know that I'm tightly holding the spoon when Joy held my hand.

"They just love each other as friend Irene" Seulgi said to me.

"I didn't see the sparks on their eyes unnie" Yeri said to me.

I can't see them like that, being sweet, looking like a couple but I know deep down, Suzy have someone and it shouldn't be Lisa because if it is Lisa, I'll do everything just to be with Lisa.

"Let's go" I said as I stand up from where I am sitting. They also stood up from their seat and grab their things that is on the table.

The door open, and it reveal the person that I don't want to see for awhile. "Ire-" I cut him off by giving him a stop sign.

"I'm so tired Suho, not now" I said as I walk pass by them and make my way towards the library.

"Unnie, you know that I don't want to be here at library right?" Joy said to me.

"Shhh... we're here because of Lisa" Seulgi said as she took Joy down at where we are hiding.

I usually do this- really? You always do this when she's at the library right?- Ok maybe you're right, I always do this when she's at the library.

She's always at the library but I didn't know why she's always at the bottom.

"She always study but why is she always at the bottom?" Wendy said to all of us.

"I don't know but that's fine" I said to them. "I don't know if I heard it right but..." Nayeon said but pause for a moment.

"What?" Yeri ask as she look at Nayeon. "The ranking that they are always presenting at the whole campus isn't real, as what I heard" Nayeon said to all of us.

"What do you mean?" I ask, I can't understand what is she talking about.

"There's a real list of ranking here at the whole campus, they say that the rank one is irreplaceable and the second and third are either you and Jieun" she added as she point at me.

That's weird, how can they fake the list when they have a real list, was it because of the top 1? "But you're not sure enough" Yeri said to her.

"Yes, that's just a rumor here but it isn't that big to others" Wendy said and look again at where we are looking earlier.

If that's true, why are they hiding it from everyone? I wanted to know what is my real rank now.

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