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Junhee regained consciousness under the weight of his own, crisp bedsheets that same evening. Voices from the room below pulling him from his sleep as they echoed through his home.

Shifting softly onto his side to stare down at the bustling city from his fifth story window, he watched, dazed as snowflakes fell to the peaceful world below.

"Hyung!" Startled at the sound of the youngers hushed voice, Junhee snapped his head from the window to meet Yuchan's curious gaze.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" Yuchan questioned as he threw himself clumsily on the edge of the bed.

Junhee shrugged.

"What happened?" He asked as his hand rose up to caress his tender throat. Memories of the stranger that had assaulted him earlier that afternoon slowly coming back to him.

"Well, that Hyung from the photography department- Donghun I think? I watched him grab you! We all heard him yelling from the field and I ran over immediately but by the time I got there he had already stopped. I was kind of hoping you could tell me what happened?"

Junhee took the opportunity to stretch out his aching limbs, and in doing so, noticed the stinging of his shoulders, scraped from the bricks he had slid down. His hand carded through his bed hair as he spoke.

"He was accusing me of spreading rumours about him."

"You? But why would you do that? You don't even know him."

"Right. That's what I said to him but he didn't seem to believe me. Seemed pretty adamant that I was to blame."

They sat in silence for a few moments, confusion painted all over Yuchan's face as he swung his legs like an impatient child over the edge of the bed.

"What did you tell my parents?"

"Said you fell coming out of school, hit your head." Junhee hummed in contentment at that. He had fallen so much in the past that his parents wouldn't even bother questioning him.

"Hyung, did something happen? Between you and Donghun Hyung."

"What do you mean?"

"Well when I got over to you he didn't say a word. Even when I started asking him what he was doing he just... stood there, staring at his hand. It was really weird."

At that, Junhee's eyes suddenly widened. Bolting up from the bed, he dashed from his bedroom and into the bathroom, pulling down the collar of his school shirt in front of the mirror before unbuttoning it and stripping it off entirely.

It's gone.

No way.

No... fucking... way.

"It's him." Junhee stated as he walked back into his bedroom, throwing on a sweater from the dryer on his way in.


"It's him. Yuchan, he's my soulmate."

"What?! Donghun? How do you know-" Yuchan queried as he scrambled off of Junhee's bed to meet the elder face to face as he paced around his own bedroom.

"My mark, it's gone. He grabbed me by the neck and now it's gone."

"Are you sure? I mean-"

"Yuchan. I'm sure."

The pair stood in silence for what felt like an eternity, gazing at one another in shock.

"I grabbed his wrist. If his mark started disappearing at that same moment, then that's probably what he was staring at when you came over."

"But if he's your soulmate then why did he- And he accused you of spreading rumours? What were they?"

"That he... was gay."

Yuchan's mouth began to form that of an 'o' as he stood trying to comprehend what his best friend was telling him.

"But then if he's not gay then how can you be-"

"I don't know."

Throwing themselves back onto the bed in frustration, the two boys sighed.

"I need to talk to him."

"Are you crazy? This guy attacked you!"

"I know, but I need to know why."

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