Just another Stupid small town

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Okay to begin to share my story
We must start somewhere,
So therefore let's start with my town.

My town with a population of Less than 20K.
My town with a bunch of stuck up people.
My town with a lot of assholes
My town with all of the people who will stab you in the back
My town with a large number of wanna be rednecks

I don't belong here
I hate it here
I want to leave here
Only one more year here
Why do i have to be here
All i want is to never be here
Why is it that i live here?

I don't fit it
I don't think like they do
I don't want to be like them
I don't want to stay
I don't want to settle

Why does everyone love this stupid small town?
Why have i always hated it so much?
Why am i not like everyone else?
Why am I here?

What's so bad about it?
"Its a great place to grow up"
"Everyone's so nice"
"You can settle down and have a family"
"We are such a close community"
"Small towns are so much better than big cities"
"The schools great"

These lies that people say
I question
How they come out of there mouths
And if they truly believe
In what their saying

I just don't fit and i just need to escape from everything i know

~ just some teen who wants to go to the big city and be free

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