Okay Mab-Dawg is actually going to NYC now

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Mabel POV:

                        OH. MY. GOODNESS. I'm actually here! In New York City! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! It's so pretty! There's so many people and so much sound and it smells so good an-

"We're here," Stan turns around to look at me, "Stay in the car. No matter what happens, I'll bring ya somethin' after this is over, we'll go get whatever ya want kid."

"I brought you some- urrrrp, ah, coloring shit. Kids your age still like that sorta shit?" Rick blurted out

"Rick-" Stan started to tell Rick off for cursing in front of me,

"I do! Thanks Rick! I also brought my knitting stuff, I'll make you guys something if you want!" I swooped in. Rick gave me a appreciative smile and ruffled my hair, before hopping out of the car followed by Grunkle Stan. Stan looked oddly nervous, which was out of place with his normal laid-back charismatic joker attitude, it rubbed off on me a little bit. It's kinda funny that Grunkle Stan has the same nervous look and demeanor later on, the sheen of sweat, half smile half grimace, back of neck scratching etc.

                 Stan gave me quick parting pat on the head before joining Rick in front of the car and heading off and down some creepy looking ally (I JUst spenT 14 godDAMN miNUtes tryiNG tO LOok uP hoW to sPelL a wORd iDk)

Dipper POV

                      Oh no. No no no no no no no no, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!

"Grunkle Ford!"

"Mm? Yes Dipper- where is Mabel?"

"That's ah, the thing. The time machine worked."

"The question is where and when she went." Grunkle Ford scratched his chin in thought, "In my time in the the multiverse, I learned that similar beings can collect together like, like, how did your sister phrase it?"

"Chips crumbs in the bottom of the bag?"

"Precisely! Did you see if se went forward or backwards in time?"

"I-I think she went back, oh this is all my fault," I mumbled as I twidled my thumbs.

Ford POV


"It's alright, Dipper." The young brunet looked up at me, the sheer amount of terror in his eyes made me quesy with guilt, and the fact he thought this whole predicament was his doing increased it tenfold. I wish I could be half the man he thought I was, the pedestal he held me on was made of lies, it would be terrible to shatter his beliefs though.

"Wait, Grunkle Ford!" My young nephew peeped with a smile on his face, "What if she went back before we were born, and somehow ran into a relative. Mabel could've gone back somewhere, and similar DNA could've brought her and our parents, or maybe Grandpa Shermie and you and Grunkle Stan!"

"That could mean we could look through pictures and find out where and when Mabel went!" I finished, "Dipper my boy you're a genius!" I patted him on the back and ruffled his hair.

"Hey Poindexter, Dipstick, where's your sister? Ducktective is on-" My twin lumbered onto the back porch of the Mystery Shack, noticing the absence of our niece.

"Well, um, we were messing a time machine an-" Dipper stuttered

"Mabel decided to assist us in testing it and the machine broke and sent her to a random time." I finished firmly. Stanley groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nose,

"I think I know where she is, and you're not gonna like it Sixer." Stan said before waving us into the shack with an air of reluctance.

What're we gonna with you, kid? (A Timestuck au story) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now