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Disclaimer: any art in this book is not mine and all credit to their owners

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Kiki's 9 year old pov

One night I was walking downstairs to the basement looking for Sebastian. I heard weird noises coming from one of the four rooms in the basement. I went to the room the sounds were coming from and I won't ever forget what I saw. I saw Sebastian doing things only adults should do. I tried to be quiet and sneak upstairs ,but, one of the floorboards creaked under me and I heard him say,"oh no," as he putting his clothes back on. I started to run up the stairs as fast as I could. 

As I was running I tripped on one of the stairs on the way up to me and Sebastian's room. I heard footsteps behind me and since I was scared I stayed there curled up in a ball. I felt someone pick me up and set me down in their lap. I looked up to see Sebastian staring down at me. His face was beautiful with crimson red eyes, pale skin, black hair, and a pretty but slightly creepy smile, he s about 14-15 years old. I had a major crush on him. I was hurt because although I was nine I wanted to be his first(she matured quickly and you will learn why later). 

He was cradling me in his arms while I sat there to afraid to move. He continued to stare at me, watching me, before he asked,"what did you see and why were you in the basement?" "I saw a lot and i was looking for you," I answered him in a small voice. He picked me up and took me to our room where he set me on my bed and laid down on his after he went and showered.

We are not related but he does have a twin brother who is currently in some sort of hospital. My mom works for Sebastian's parents. Sebastian is rich and is about 5 years older than I am. Me and him are best friends though.

Sebastian's 14 year old pov

I was fooling around with my girlfriend when I heard a floorboard creak. Obviously someone was there and I said,"oh no." I heard smallish feet run up the stairs as I put my clothes back on. I ran after the small footsteps I heard, they were fast and small. They were headed tome and Kiki's room. I realized I was chasing after Kiki. I heard a thud halfway up the stairs making me run faster. I saw Kiki curled up on one of the stairs

I slowly walked up to her and lifted her up from behind by her armpits. I sat down criss-crossed  and placed her in my lap holding her like I did when she was 3, like a child that was crying. She looked up at me and studied my face like she always did when she was afraid of something. I stared back at her and asked her in a serious tone,"What did you see and why were you in the basement?" 

She whispered back to me saying,"I saw a lot and I was looking for you." I carried her back to our room and put her on her bed, then I laid down after I took a shower. When I came back into the room she was already asleep. I gently picked her up and put her in my bed and then i laid down next to her. I held her closer to me because she gets nightmares often. She instantly curled into me as I fell asleep.

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