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Song-> dangerous- big data feat joywave

Is it wrong to enjoy not being noticed? I walked in everyday to school and enjoyed not being the centre of the attention or not having to walk by people and say "hi" and smile to everyone as I walked past. I loved walking past everyone recognising their faces and not caring if someone was gossiping about me or not.

You see I'm actually proud to be socially awkward in school- out of school I was pretty confident with making friends. Through high school I learnt one rule to survive in high school 'Blend in with the crowd = no drama' . I personally always kept to that rule but my best friend Madison seemed the total opposite of me. She was the long blonde haired girl , head of the school dance team and always loved a little gossip along with partying now at then.

Sometimes I suffered at these parties myself , but what do you not do for your best friend right?

" Bella!" Madison ran up to my locker and threw her arms around my neck. " How was your weekend?" She asked as she let me go and opened the locker beside mine which was hers.

" It went great actually." I smiled in her direction as I placed most of my useless books in the locker. " Had a fight with that Jennifer girl from the other gym on Saturday night , quiet gutted you couldn't make it."

"I'm sorry Bella," she slammed her locker and frowned at me. " you knew I had that rehearsal with the dance group , otherwise I would have been there. With the Nationals coming up ...."

"Madison!" I turned to her and grabbed her shoulders. " I know!"
I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. I knew if I wouldn't stop her she might even end up signing in apologise -taken evidence from the past.

" You won, right?" She pulled out from the hug confused.
I just laughed.

"The key in the ring is ...." She knew I did , I just reminded her with the motto I used everywhere.

"50% heart and 50% confidence." Madison finished and tried to sound like me. It was pretty funny when she did that , because she sounded nothing like me.

" Right blondie let's move . Not fancying being late for Spanish another Monday morning." I pushed her towards her classroom just as the second bell rang and ran off to my class.

" Sorry Señorita." I walked into my Spanish class not even looking at the teacher just walking to my usual seat at the back of the class.

No I'm not that kid at the end of the class that everyone is so stereotypical about. I was just kind of tall and for some reason all 17 year olds in this Spanish class are small. I'm only 170cm!!!

Something unusual caught my eye beside my desk . The empty lonely desk to my right was taken. Seemed odd as it was already half way through the year and people chose their spaces and is rare for anyone to move .

" It's honour to have you Señorita Smith, shall we hope you will be on time next lesson." I could feel my teachers eyes burning a hole in my head as I unpacked my things. " As I was saying Tyler is behind on our syllalubus, so can someone please hand him photocopies of the work we did so far?"

The classroom died out of all whispers, pen clicking and shuffling of papers. Silence.
What the heck guys? Why were they all scared of him, was he a serious murder or -
As my eyes travelled to him I was surprised . What? Where did he come from?

I'm not going to be stereotypical but he actually looked scary. Dressed in black jeans with a black leather jacket a v-top underneath it. His hair was messy but actually hot. His green eyes turned in my direction and I just turned around to look at the teacher pretend I payed attention.

In the corner of my I could see a little smirk increasing on his face in my direction.

Isabella remember your rules no socialising!

"No one?" The teacher seemed pretty shocked so was I. I would expect all typical girl to drool over him but then I am in a Spanish class with 3/4 of it being males. "Well okay then, Isabella looks like it's left to you?"

"Me? Why? What? Why can't Max do it , he is more organised?" I said without thinking. It seemed like my instinct was telling to get my shit together and not even get close to the boy.

"Isabella I know that you are organised otherwise you wouldn't get this grade in this test," she threw pieces of paper stapled together in front of me to see my usual B+. "This is another way of making up your lates."

I nodded and only agreed to it because I needed my lates clearing out of this class.
Afrer class I went to the library with that Tyler guy to sort out the photocopying.

As I stood by the photocopier and change the pieces of paper being photocopied now and then I looked around the library and realised it was pretty empty, probably because it was lesson time- lucky me I had free so did Madison but I couldn't do anything because of the stupid photocopying.

"Done." I handed him all the pieces of paper I was photocopying and picked up my bag. "Your welcome?"

"Calm down , princess." Tyler smirked once again , that smirk that I've seen back in the class.

"I at least deserve a small thank you." Isabella shut up and walk away , now!

"Dear royalty, you can't always get what you want." Tyler smirked , looking down at the pieces of paper.

"Asshole." I made my way towards the door.

As I walking down the stairs , I pulled out my phone to text Madison to ask where she was.

My phone dropped as someone grabbed my elbow and pushed me towards the wall.

As I opened my eyes after such head rush , to meet Tyler's green eyes once again.

Both of his hands were against the wall between my head.

"Princess, I seemed mistaken on what you said," he smirked. What is wrong with the guy? " would you like to repeat?"

I negotiated in my head to either repeat or play stupid.

I looked around to seem a part of a tattoo coming out from his v-top.

I stood up straight.

"Dear prince, aren't you aware that you should not threaten royalty." I smiled at him sarcastically and pushed his chest with all my power.

As I was just about turn around and walk away , he grabbed my elbow again and pulled me towards him.

"Isabella Smith," he read the piece of paper that he held in his hand.

It was a photocopy of the work and I must have left my name on it.

"Wait..." I heard who you are. He smirked, and pushed me towards the wall again. "The boxer."



No one from this school knows I train expect Madison , what?

Who is this guy?

I swallowed hard.

"So , now I see we have unbeatable princess." He laughed.

"Asshole" I pushed past towards him , grabbed my phone and walked out.

Who is this guy?


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