Chapter Eleven

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"Beast Talk"


"Mindscape or mental talking"

& All Speak &

I don't own Harry Potter plot or Characters nor do I own The Avengers plot or

[Characters I am just playing in the sandbox with them. I do however own this plot and my own original characters. I also do not own the Potter name. This is a Fem-Harry pairing and a reverse harem. This is a crossover between Harry Potter, the Avengers, and the X-men. This will also be a creature inheritance fic and master/mistress of death.

Chapter Eleven


It has been about two weeks since we moved into the villa. My sister and cousins each had their own unique room. We were living a happy and fun and new life in New York.

Hermione and her twin younger brothers and their parents had moved to New York shortly after we had. She wanted to be closer to her blood brother granted he hadn't moved from his home from Malibu, California. He would move to New York in the next year or two. Not too much longer from now.

It was now the day that we needed to board the train and head to Hogwarts. We had to leave to catch the train in two hours. Our trunks were already packed shrunk and ready to go. We would be taking the floo to the Leaky Cauldron. From there we would head to the station to catch the train. A couple hours later we were leaving for the Leaky Cauldron. We immediately headed to the station.

We put our trunks and owl cages on a trolly. We carefully made our way to the wall between platforms nine and ten and made our way onto platform nine and three quarters.

We quickly boarded the train and made our way to an empty compartment. The compartment was surprisingly spacious.

It didn't take long for a certain set of red head twins to stumbble upon us. Our twins; they didn't know that they were ours; two of our mates. At Least not yet anyway. We would tell them when the time was right.

We didn't want to go crazy claiming our mates onsite. They deserved to have the chance to get to know us once more first.

Flaris was purring in the back of my mind. Fye was watching the twins through my eyes and lying with her head on her front paws. Finally Myrios was singing happily in the back of my mind. They were all happy to see the twins once more. It had been so long since we had seen their smiling faces and the shimmer of mirth and light in their eyes.

It has been so long since we had seen the glimmer of happiness and jokes in their eyes. The last time we had seen it was before the war started up again. Our fifth year had been the last time we saw it; the joy and happiness.

Forge & Gred

We had stumbled upon a beautiful sight, a sight of two beautiful twin girls. One had crimson hair and green hazel eyes. The other girl had raven hair and emerald green eyes.They were both very pretty, lovely really.

They looked almost fay or elven just sitting there gazing out the window off the train. They looked almost angelic sitting there.

We felt like something was pulling us towards the twin girls. We both felt it through our twin link.


The twin girls were enchanting and angelic. They were very beautiful even at eleven year olds. I wondered why my magic was calling to the twin girls.

"Hello, beautiful Angels, My name is Fred and this dashing gentleman is my brother George. What are your names?" I asked the twin Angels who we had come across. The crimson head was the first to look towards us. She had such beautiful hazel green eyes.

"Hello boys, I would first like to thank you for the compliment. My name is Rosemary Niki Potter and this lovely lady here is my twin Holly Luna Potter." The angel now known as Rosemary responded to my qurie.

"It's nice to meet you beautiful angels and you have such beautiful names. So are you two new firsties or first ever transfer students. You two look like you're our age a bit old for firsties I'd say."Fred had decided to speak or atleast Rose thought it was Fred no she knew that it had been Fred.

The two girls really did look like they were thirteen you as well as I know what the reason is but the twin boys didn't know the reason however.

Holly gave one of her sparkling smiles. "We are truly eleven. I know the two of us as well as my cousins look thirteen but we are truly eleven years old we just look mature and tall for our age. We thank you for your compliments though. You are rather kind and so very handsome." Holly said in her most angelic voice and held her hands out in a x shape so both could shake them in greeting nothing serious would happen except that the two would become aware of some type of bond between the four of them. The girls wanted that to happen so Holly didn't have a reason to deny the contact.

Both the twin boys were surprised that Holly knew their hand shake but thinking about it maybe the girls had something similar. So both boys crossed their arms as well and both sets of twins shook hands in that unique and strange move. It only took a moment for the bond to make itself known to the ginger twins.The bond made itself known but it didn't tell the boys what kind of bond it was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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