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Waking up had never been more annoying than waking up to a spammed group chat. My friends apparently don't know what sleeping in past 8 AM is.

It was currently 7:48 in the morning and they were already up running errands. I had just taken 2 out of the 3 finals I had before Spring Break, and I was trying to catch up on sleep after pulling several all-nighters. The only final I had left was the history one that Jace, Riley, Sasha had planned to take together.

Every year since I started university my parents had the bright idea to plan a trip for my Spring Break. I would receive a message 24 hours before the trip was scheduled that would include the destination and my method of transportation.

I had informed them that my final exam was on Monday which meant that they'd most likely message me Monday night.

Remembering the events of last night I realized that I had never replied to the person I had called during the Chat Roulette.

Deciding it was time to end any confusion I clicked on messages and opened up the text from the Unknown Number.

Noelle: Hey! I know this might sound a bit crazy but my friends had the bright idea of writing down 2 random phone numbers from the top of our heads that began with our hometown area code and I happened to choose yours.

Unknown Number: Wow! that actually sounds fun! I would've actually answered your call but I was walking my dog.

Noelle: You have a dog! that's so cool. I grew up with my dad being allergic to both cats and dogs. the closest thing I got to owning a dog was having a robotic one that barked and walked at the push of a button!

Unknown Number: thats quite sad, I don't know what I'd do without Jax if I were allergic. Jax is my golden retriever btw.

Noelle: aw I've always wanted a golden retiever. AirBud was definitely one of my faves growing up. hahaha

Unknown Number: My niece actually calls Jax Buddie after the movie! Also, would it be wierd to know the name of who I'm talking to this fine morning? I'm Phoenix!

Noelle: Small world hahah, I think your niece and I have a lot in common. Nice to meet you Phoenix, my names Noelle.

Phoenix: Noelle. Noelleee. I like how your name sounds. Also, you said you had to write down two numbers from your hometown down, you're from Dallas?

Noelle: Yes! I am from Dallas. Currently on my last year of university which explains my friends sudden urge to "change up" our activities in honor of our last year.

Phoenix: Cool! What school do you go to if you don't mind me asking? I graduated last spring from UT Austin! I'm back in Dallas waiting on my friends to graduate in the fall from SMU and UNT!

Noelle: I'm at SMU finishing up my undergrad in business and marketing! Hey! I might know your friend(s) from SMU, what's their name?

Phoenix: I have one friend at SMU studying Criminal Justice, his name is Jase!

Noelle: NO WAY! seriously!

Phoenix: what?!

Noelle: is jase short for Jason?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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