Part 2_half Brother

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Lydia's pov

I was sitting at my office catching up on paper work when I smelt Jase close by.

Knock, knock, knock

"come in Jase" He walked in but something seemed off so I put the papers down and look up at him.

"spit it out Jase" He looked nervous.

"sorry Alpha, so you know my half brother Rhian"

"yes I have heard of him"

"Well you see Alpha Lydia, I kind of invited him to stay here, you know me and him are very close" Rhian was the only person who wasn't apart of my pack that knew our secret.

"he wants to be part of our pack so I invited him to stay a while whilst you decide"

"Jase you know you should have asked before inviting people"

"I know Alpha I'm sorry it just kind of slipped out of my mouth" I sigh, I was tired and didn't want to discuss this for too long

"okay I trust you Jase that he can be trusted you know him better than I do, he can stay until the next full moon, if I feel he can be trusted and a good member I shall hold a meeting with the pack and hear their  thoughts and if everyone trusts him and likes him I shall hold the ceremony to allow him to join" He smiles and let's out I sigh of relief.

"Thank you Alpha Lydia" I give a light laugh.

"of course Jase, when shall he be arriving"

"oh right yes, later tomorrow night"

"okay I will sort a guest room for him to stay in tomorrow" He nodes and there was another knock at the door.

"yes come in" The head chef walks in.

"mam dinner is ready"

"okay thank you Pastel we are now coming" He nodded and leaves.

Me and Jase leave my office and head into the dinning room it was a large hall with lots of long tables, my whole pack eat together, I wasn't joking when I said we treat each other as equals every single pack member would have dinner together even the pack doctors when they where off their shift.

I sat at the head table with Jase and Suzan either side of me Mark sat at another table with his wife and son and two other daughters.

Once we were all sat down I stood and looked around at my massive pack that are my family I use my fork to tap on my glass to get everyone's attention.

"hello beautiful people I have a few things to say before we begin, first things first. John. where is lola this evening"

John was one of the hunters\warriors and lola was his mate, John stood and spoke up

"Well  she is having a little pregnancy flew and was under the weather"

We all whistle and applause at the news of the pregnancy

"congratulations John you will be a great farther"

He smiled nodded and sat back down

"okay second off I want to thank the chefs for the food and I want to welcome the new chef again"

All the chefs stand up as we applauded them, once they are seated again I speak again

"Okay, lastly I wanted to let you know that Jase's half brother Rhian wants to be part of our pack some of you may know him but most will not so, we have invited him to stay here, he will be arriving tomorrow evening Jase shall be showing him around but anyone else is welcome to help him I want everyone to try and get to know him the best you can before the full moon, on the next full moon I will hold a meeting here and I want everyone's thoughts on him if you trust him and want him apart of this pack, if you all want him to join than the same day I will hold the ceremony to accept and make him apart of our pack"

She-Alpha:Alpha LydiaWhere stories live. Discover now