Part 21_return

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Lydias pov

John had to force Flow out of my arms and Colt had to drag me out the door because I wouldn't leave the little angel.

We headed back up to my room and I just sat on my bed

Colt joined me sitting beside me so I speak first since he is still new at it

"are you ready for next week, it's the full moon and you will be the first ever male luna running the black shadow pack along side with the first ever female alpha, luna Colt Fang and Alpha Lydia Maze."

He looks at me with the biggest grin on his face

"of course I am, I wouldn't want anything else"

With that I smile

The next hour passes by from watching Netflix, we were watching Trinkets, Colt had never seen it before so I made him watch it with me

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I'm being waken up by  a thud

I shoot my eyes open and search the room in my door way was

Suzan? And Jase?

"wh... What are you guys doing here?"

I turn my head to see Colt was peacefully asleep with his head on my lap

So as carefully as I could I get off the bed and walk over to my friends and whisper this time

"why are you here? You could of warned me you were coming"

"it's was a urgent diction, my Mate is here and he needs to speak with you as soon as possible" Jase rushes in a hused tone

I nod and they both lead me into my kitchen then leave,

Alpha Cree was sitting at the small table

"what is this about? Is everything okay?" I ask

He just sakes his head and gestures for me to take a seat

I instantly realised how serious this is so I sit down with urgency nearly missing the chair as I sit

"tell me" is all I say before he clears his throat and begains

"it's bad Alpha Maze. Its Locklan and Danta. They well"

"they what!"

"ecaped" I give a loud gasp that leaves my mouth hanging open

"I have a really strong feeling that he would come here and get you so I came as soon as I could. I think he is getting an army to rebel against you, I brought my Betas sister, Suzan, Jase and some of my warriors, Suzan got some Omages and have sorted us some rooms so don't worry"

I didn't worry about room

What gave him the thought I did, Locklan and Danta were on the loose and likely out to kill me!

Why now!

Things with Locklan have just finally settled down and Flow has just been born


*it's okay Lydia*

*it's not okay, they have ruined my life, I'm sick of letting them make decisions about my life, first they take my parents away, second one is my awful mate that tryed to kill me after I trusted him, well I'm not letting them take my pack from me. And I'm certainly not letting them take Colt from me either*

*I'm with you no matter what Lydia*

*thanks Daisy*

With that she shuts me out

I then hear foots steps urgently running down the stairs as the person worriedly called out

"Lydia! Lydia!"

"Colt carm down I'm in the kitchen!" I yell back recognising his voice

He runs in and breathes out a breath when he sees me then he turns his attention to the king, he bows respectfully to him,

I don't bow to the king cuz he knows I could easily take the thrown of him and plus he is mates with my bestfriend

Anyway I fill Colt in on what I was told and when I mention Locklan his eyes darken a little and he Clentches his jaw

I felt sorry for him that he had to listen to me talk about him

"wh... When do you think he will try to attack my mate Alpha Cree? " Colt askes

"Well technically she is also his mate also.. " he stops mud sentence when he sees

"he doesn't have a mate, he never diserved Lydia, I will rip his throat out for hurting MY MATE!" Colt says and yells mate

I see at the corner of my eye the Alpha King taking a huge gulp

Pu**y, he is meant to be our king he is meant to make us fear him and keep us in control not be scared of us

Then Rhian runs in breathless and slightly pale

"whats wrong?" I say jumping out of my seat

"he's here!"

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry this chapter is short
But I really wanted to start the battle in a new chapter.

Sorry for the little cliffhanger. Please





With love


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