A Pigeon Story

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Sheetal is disturbed by a strange sound. She wakes up from the bed and walks towards her balcony. 

 There is indeed an uninvited guest in her balcony, a white pigeon. It's fluttering its wings, and is trying to flee through the closed grills.

 Sheetal is confused by the sight of the bird, since there is no way it could have landed in her balcony, as it is grilled on all sides.

Except for the small locked gate, there is no other entry point in the balcony. 

Since Sheetal and her room-mate Shivani are residing in the eight floor they  use the small gate for getting milk packets and certain grocery items. But right now the gate is locked .

The pigeon coo's, reviving Sheetal from her mind's chatter. She decides to let the bird out, on her own. 

She paces through her hallway trying to figure out the ways of releasing the pigeon.

For a moment she thinks of calling up her mother, but drops the idea immediately because her mother would definitely start blaming Sheetal for being so careless and letting the bird inside, without even trying to understand the situation..

Creating an issue out of this silly incident is what her mother might do which will eventually lead to a series of phone calls from her relatives enquiring, as though some alien spaceship has landed in her balcony...(why can't these mothers just trust their daughter).

As she is absorbed in her own thoughts she suddenly notices that she is getting late for work, and has to come up with a proper excuse at her office.

Sheetal draws her plan in thin air, waving her hands on all sides. After devising a plan, she goes into the kitchen, gets a frying pan to cover her face and as she takes time to select the correct ladle to shoo the bird away.

She gets reminded of movie scenes were a fast beat theme music is playing in the background as the hero selects a gun from a collection of dangerous weapons . Likewise she runs the mission impossible music in her mind while selecting the right ladle and laughs to herself on her excited imagination.

Finally on reaching the balcony ,she takes a closer look at the bird.Its eyes are red in colour. Wait, Is this a normal pigeon? she thinks,

She rushes to her bedroom, types the sentence "images of pigeon" on her phone. On seeing the pictures, she is relieved as all of them are having red-coloured eyes

Once again she reaches the balcony door, runs the scene of chasing the pigeon in her mind. Then she takes a deep breath, enters the balcony, closes the door behind her .

The pigeon is at one corner circling itself, maybe it's also confused just the way as she is. Sheetal occupies the opposite corner . With frying pan in one hand , the ladle and keys in the other , she looks around to see if anyone from her apartment are watching her, if so they will definitely think that she is insane. Thank god! Nobody is there.

Slowly she approaches the locked small gate, taking one step at a time, at the same time, continuously gazing at the frightened bird. 

Oh no! How will she open the gate if both her hands are holding on to things? Stupid plan! such a waste of mission impossible music, now I have to change it, I meant my plan not the music.

She goes inside, leaves the ladle on the table and decides to finish the job using the frying pan alone.

Once again she enters the balcony and opens the small gate. Now she starts to mono act to the bird pointing to the opening. After a few scaring screams and peculiar dance moves, Sheetal somehow manages to chase the bird out. Yes! Sheetal jumps with joy.

After locking the small gate , she moves to the hall and takes out a bottle of coke from her refrigerator to celebrate her victory. When she closes the fridge door she notices a small pink-coloured note stuck on to its door. Its from her friend Shivani which says, "I've left a white pigeon in the balcony, don't panic, its for my ad shoot , I will take it in the evening".


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