Feel My Love

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It had been 2 weeks since I had figured out about the allegations. Since then, Michael seemed more shut in than usual. More depressed, less like himself. My sister had been helping me with everything around Neverland, and his attorney was doing what he could to defend him. But he couldn't stop the police from coming with a warrant to search the place.

  It was a disaster..... things were thrown around, every room was searched, but I think what really stripped Michael of his dignity were the pictures they took of him. Camera flashes from every angle made the paparazzi look like a joke. Really messed him up. They wanted to search our baby, Miracle's room. But my sister had already checked the warrant and they weren't allowed in there unless they came back with another warrant. But they left as quickly as they came. However, it really screwed with Michael. The pictures, the searching, the humiliation. It just broke him.

"Michael! Baby you need to come out!" I said from the bottom of the steps in our room. Lately he had not been sleeping with me. I'm not sure why though, but I think he felt like I was ashamed of him or something......

"Michael? Come on baby it's supper time!" I said once more. I then went up the staircase. He wasn't up there......

"Hey Anniston! Have you seen Michael?" I asked my sister. She was a slender figure with chestnut coloured hair that went down to her butt. To complement the hair, she had big blue eyes like me.

"Yeah he went into the half bathroom. He's probably in there crapping though so take this with you." She handed me a bottle of Fabreez.

"Michael," I knocked "it's time for supper!"

"Okay I-I'll be out in a sec," he said so suddenly. He sounded like he had been crying, which was nothing new. But he sounded nervous too. Almost like he had done something that he didn't want me knowing about..... no. Not Michael. Isn't something he would do....

After dinner, he went straight to his part of our room. No goodnight or anything.

So I went to go check on him. He was on his bed sobbing like a baby who had lost its pacifier. He didn't notice I was in there until I sat down. I had always weighed more than Michael. Yep it sounds a bit odd but I've also always been curvy. So it suits me.

I played with his hair a bit as he kept weeping. Then I lied down and started rubbing his back in circle motions. Finally, he quit crying and fell into sleep. As I got up, I noticed something on his arm. A cut. Was that what he was doing in the bathroom? I then looked at his other arm to find more cuts. I then started crying. I felt crushed for him . He must've truly felt like we were better off without him. So, without hesitation, I called a counselor in Los Angeles and scheduled him an appointment the next day. I didn't want him feeling like we wanted him dead. But I guess I needed to step up my game too. We had talked so much less since the allegations had started. As I thought more and more about it I dosed off.

Hello Lovies!!!!!

So this one was quite longer than the last one I published but it is worth reading!

Also I will be updating frequently this week. Next week I start back school but I will try to update on the weekends. 👌👌👌

Peace out lovies!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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