Prelude: To Esaria

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Opening his eyes, the young man groaned and looked around, blinking rapidly to remove the sleep dust from his vision. After he regained his senses, he peered around, scanning the spotless room. Light filtered through fluttering red curtains, the breeze that tagged along with it ruffled the young man's curly black hair. Disgruntled, the young man shifted himself, getting ready to heave himself up and start the day. He stretched his leg and was met with something soft and warm, instantly the man recoiled his leg, panic kicking his heart into a run. Never, never ever, should he wake up with that feeling.

Slowly, looking to the left of himself, the young man gazed upon what he accidentally kicked. A petite young woman laid next to him with mahogany hair spilling over herself in a tangled mess. She wore a simple nightgown that didn't seem too revealing. Then with horror striking his mind, the young man picked up the covers and gazed down, looking at himself, he was wearing nothing but underwear. His heart rate spiking, he turned his attention back to the woman, though her face was attractive, and she was sleeping, she had faint bags under her eyes a sign of a restless night.

"Shit," the man muttered to himself, looking at the woman next to him could feel the embarrassment attempt to crawl to his cheeks though he didn't let it. He looked up to the ceiling and released a small sigh, he was really hoping this didn't happen again.

Gently, he uncovered himself from the blankets and moved to dress as quietly as a thief hiding from the law enforcement. He had just successfully latched the strap of his back scabbard over his gambeson when he heard rustling from the bed. With all the grace and stillness he could muster, he turned, seeing that the young woman had turned in her sleep. He exhaled and looked at the door about eight to ten feet away from him, before hyping himself up. Everything was going to be okay, he just needed to take a slow, tiny, carefully thought out steps forward until he eventually made it to the door.

He made his move with the utmost diligence and placed his foot on the wooden floor of the tavern room.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Wha the-!" The discharge from his mouth blasted before he realized what had happened. His eyes wide, he looked over to the bed, a pair of green eyes blinked back at him, the woman was sitting up, a somehow endearing air surrounded her, even though she looked tired.

"Jedd?" The woman's voice hung with sleepiness, "What's going on."

"Ah," Jedd quickly made his way to the door, "nothing to worry about, just take a few more moments to rest." Panic did not overwhelm his voice despite the situation, but it did cause him to wave his hands in a slight tell. He then spotted a red journal on the desk just next to the door and snatched it, tucking it into a pocket on the inside of his gambeson.

The young woman's eyes fluttered and then narrowed as she looked at him, "You have the money, don't you?"

"Of course," Jedd nodded with a blasé look, "I wouldn't forget about something like that."

"Then just leave it on the desk there, I will get changed an-"

"Ah!" Jedd smacked his fist into his palm, "You know what? I just remembered I have to go exchange some coins, I will be back."

The woman's eyebrows furrowed, her dainty features became much more aggressive as she turned and sat upright with her legs off the side of her bed, "Jedd-"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Just a moment, I promise, I will be back," he turned the doorknob and quickly lept out a calm expression dressed on his face. His demeanor almost broke as he saw the young woman had jumped from the bed and began to walk towards the door. Just before he could turn and leave, he was blocked by a middle-aged man.

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