Chapter 2

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The girl sat herself in the grass, facing me. I wasn't sure why she did that but it sort of made me feel uncomfortable being so much higher than she was. I decided it would be best if I also sat on the ground with her, even if an ant or two bit me, I would feel more at ease if we were eye level. Her big brown eyes watch me, captivated and waiting for me to say something. I didn't know where to even start and I thought about possibly changing my mind. There was something about the way she looked at me though. I just couldn't bring myself to say no, so I opened my mouth to speak.

"Right so um, Sky and I had been friends since 6th grade and during Freshman year of high school, we decided to start a band. We called it Deep Division. We found Dirk playing drums at a coffee shop and Kita was the sister of one of my sister's friend's. Around this time, Sky started dating this girl Annie who became our singer with Sky as our screamer and me on the guitar."

"What did Sky and Annie look like?" she asked.

"Sky had green eyes and black hair, but just between you and me, he was actually a blonde." I let out a half chuckle and she smiled in amusement. I remembered about the first time Sky had dyed his hair black. He walked into school in 7th grade with black smudges all over his face and hair black as night. His grandma was so angry with him that she didn't even offer to help him out, she made him go to school like that. I couldn't help but laugh at him at the time.

"Annie has brown hair and brown eyes, If I'm being honest, there's actually nothing particularly eye-catching about her but I think what Sky liked about her is that she never denied a good prank."

"So they were troublemakers." she exclaimed. I nodded.

"Oh yeah. They were always in trouble, and it actually caused a lot of problems for the band. Can't have rehearsal when two out of five members are in detention three times a week."

Sky was always a very 'live on the fly' type of guy. When we were in middle school, I was the one getting involved in his riffraff. Whether it be graffiti on the school walls or pulling the fire alarm. I kicked my own ass in gear when I overheard my parents talking about sending me to military school. Sky on the other hand, didn't really have parents until he was in the hospital all the time. He spent most of his childhood being raised by his Grandma, who did the best she could but an old lady can only do so much before Sky had to start taking care of her. Our friends nicknamed her Nana Stewart because she was always baking sweets for the homeless and the church. I'm pretty sure everyone in town loved her and when she died August of our Sophomore Year, it was the first time I had met Sky's parents. Sky's parents weren't just rich, they were absolutely filthy. They inherited some money from a relative and were one of the few who bought stock in Apple and in Microsoft when they were still baby-new, and here they are today. Some would call it luck, Some call it brains, I'm not sure what to call it but their greatest fortune became Sky's greatest misfortune. Parents that used to love him so much, all of a sudden acted like they didn't even have a son anymore. He used to tell me about the stuff he did in elementary school that would get them to see him, even if it was just to scold him. He kept being a rebel thinking that eventually his parents would rethink their actions and start actually taking care of him, but instead, they left him with his grandma and never came back.

After his Grandma died, Sky only got worse. It wasn't just painting walls, he was smashing holes into them. It wasn't just pulling fire alarms, he was setting off real fires in one of the garbage cans. Then he got suspended for two weeks. He would've been expelled if the principal wasn't soft on him because of his Grandma; like I said, everyone mourned her death. Sky was at his wits end and we were at our limit. The band decided, he either changes his act, or we fire him. Originally Annie was going to tell him but I decided that it was better he heard it from me. We were the two founders after all. So, I went to his house and knocked on the door, his Grandma had left the house to him and his parents were paying the utilities. He didn't answer at first, so I rang the doorbell. When he didn't answer again, I started continuously ringing the doorbell just to piss him off. He came out screaming.

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