Chapter 3: Really Not Good

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Sunlight streamed through the hut's small window above Bellamy's bed. Bellamy tried to block it out and focus on going back to sleep for a few more hours. His head hurt slightly. He was pretty sure he was the only one that followed Clarke's rule of 'only two drinks'. That and because he might have 'forgot' to mention it to the rest of the hundred. Oh well.

Bellamy's body stiffened when he felt something move in his arms. He slowly opened his brown sleep filled eyes to see a mop of messy blonde hair and smooth skin. Wait a second.

Slowly, so as not to wake up the sleeping blonde, Bellamy moved to look over her shoulder and saw Clarke's sleeping face. Her lips were slightly parted and her fingers were laced with his. Bellamy also took notice of the fact that they're both naked.


Well great. Just fantastic. This is going to look really bad. She's going to wake up and blame him. Sure he started it by kissing her and wrapping his arms around her and asking her to dance . . . but she's the once who pulled him off to his hut. It was . . . both their faults. He just hoped she saw it that way.

But he had to admit, he remembered most the night, if not all of it, and he regretted nothing.

Clarke began to stir in his arms. She yawned and rolled over, facing Bellamy. He swallowed the forming lump in his throat. Her blue eyes fluttered open and suddenly it seemed like all his worries washed away.

She looked so peaceful. Her crystal blue eyes clear after a night of (hardly any thanks to him) sleep. Her hair was messy from where it had rubbed on the makeshift bed, but she still looked beautiful. Her soft, creamy skin soaked up the morning sun rays, giving her an angelic glow.

Her brows came together slightly when she saw Bellamy. "Bellamy?" Her voice was groggy from sleep (or lack of it). She yawned again. "What are you doing in my bed?"

He seemed to freeze for a moment. She didn't remember what happened. She didn't remember leading him away, or kissing him until he thought was he going over the edge and into oblivion, or how he held her close through out it all whispering sweet nothings to her. Or even drifting off the sleep in his arms.

For some reason, it kind of hurt him.

"This is my bed, Princess." He told her.

"M'kay," She responded with and started to close her eyes again. She was about to drift back to sleep, when her eyes darted down to their bodies.

Her eyes seemed to pop, and normally he would have laughed but this was not the right moment. She sat up and brought the covers to her naked chest. Bellamy sat up slowly and watched her.

Clarke's eyes darted around the room, looking at their cloths hastily thrown everywhere. She groaned as she came to accept it. She, Clarke Griffin, had slept with him, Bellamy Blake, on her birthday.

Way to go, Clarke the little bitchy voice in the back of her head told her. Willing it to stop she slowly turned to face the man of the hour. He looked shocked but also . . . pleased with himself. Bastard.

"You slept with me?" It was more a question then a statement. Bellamy nodded gingerly. Rage flushed through her little body. She started to hit his chest and arms, while still keeping herself covered. "You slept with me! You planned that whole evening just to seduce me and sleep with me!"

Bellamy tried to move out of the way but there was only so far he could go. He tried to grab her hand but when past her flailing arm and towards her chest. His hand automatically grabbed her breast thinking it was her arm.

She stopped and gasped. The cheek of him! She slapped him and slapped him good. Bellamy soon realised that that was not her arm. "Sorry, I'm sorry." He tried to calm her down and keep her quiet. She kept yelling at him so he silenced her the only way he could.

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