Chapter 6: The Decision

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Bellamy had wandered into the woods aimlessly. After probably about an hour of completely walking with no idea where the hell he was going he sank on the forest floor. Leaning against a tree and running his hands through his hair again and again and again until he was sure it was going to fall out on him. Fatherhood was going to make him bald.

No, he couldn't think of that. It had to be some kind of mistake. He was Bellamy for God's sakes! He couldn't be a father, he was sure that he couldn't. He had basically raise O but that was different. He had his mother to lean on, even if she was hardly there, she was still able to take some of the weight off his shoulders. But he couldn't do it again. He'd barely coped.

How would he do it again? What if he totally stuffed up? His little sister was one thing but raising his own kid . . . he didn't know if he could do it. He won't have his mother to be there to help at times. He didn't know how to handle newborns. He took on the responsibility of O when she was about five. Who would help him this time?

Clarke you fool! His mind shouted at him. He didn't even know if she would even look at him again. The look in her eyes as he walked away from her. She looked totally destroyed. He destroyed her and all he did was run away like a coward. How could he have left her? She was caring their baby. No wonder she didn't want to tell him.

Crap. Octavia and Raven knew she was pregnant. He was going to get chewed out by Octavia before being killed by Raven. He couldn't blame them, really. But he couldn't handle a baby. Not now anyway.

What the hell was he going to do?

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a twig snapping. He didn't care to look up. Whatever it was, someone from camp, a grounder or a wild animal, he was sure he deserved everything that he was going to get.

"Bellamy?" A deep voice called to him. He knew who that was. Although he didn't like the man he was probably the only one who wasn't going to yell at him.

Bellamy looked up to see Lincoln. The Grounder was dressed in just his casual top and heavy cargo pant, decorated in weapons. He had a worried look on his face. "What are you doing? It's not safe for you to be out here."

He sighed and buried his face in his hands and spoke, although his voice was muffled. "I know that. I just needed a place to catch my breath. Alone. Away from everyone."

"Why? What's happened?" Lincoln's eyes grew wide as his mind ran wild. "Is Octavia okay?"

"She's probably planning my death. So she'll be quiet happy." Bellamy eyes were glued to his shoes. He saw the Grounder move to sit beside him.

"What's going on?" His voice was stoic, as usual.

"She's . . . I mean I didn't expect . . . but her eyes when . . ." he breathed a deep sigh. Lincoln stayed silent, letting him speak in his own time. "She's pregnant."

"Octavia's pregnant?!" This seem to startle the normally calm man.

"No, you idiot," Bellamy snapped as his eyes locked with the nervous Grounder. "Clarke. Clarke's pregnant."

"Oh," Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief at the news. "This is good though, right? She's going to have a baby. That's a cause for celebration. Why are you not with her?"

"Why do you assume it's mine?!"

"Considering the way you too look at each other," he mumbled. "So is it yours?"

"Y-yes," Bellamy's head went back to rest on the tree.

"Congratulations," Lincoln patted his shoulder. "Again, why are you here and not with Clarke?"

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