Chapter 3- Don't Trust Anyone

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authors note~ this chapter is from the pov of Hannah

Tears stream down my face. I sniffle and wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my black sweater. I can't believe it, Lilly is gone. I can't help but feel like I could have saved her. I just froze. Guilt weighs down on me like my school backpack, with all of its notebooks, textbooks, pencils, papers, and computer. I watch her casket lower into the ground as I hear crying from my family and her family all around me. It shouldn't have ended like that, Bella should go to jail. But then again, we did break into her house. She didn't even show up to the funeral.

'Coward,' I whisper under my breath. 

As my dad, brother and I arrive home from the funeral, I spot a package with my name of it at the front door. It's all black, and taped together with One Direction duck tape. I pick it up and walk to my room. I plop the package down on my bed and sit next to it as I rip through the duck tape with my exacto knife. 

Inside the package is three items, a box of garlic bread, a cozy nights candle, and an envelope. I try to open the envelope, but fail.

How odd, I think. It's just a regular envelope, why won't it open?

I give up trying to open it and instead light the candle. It's obvious who the package is from, but why would she do this? Bella murdered my best friend, and now she's trying to make it up to me? I don't think so. I don't trust her int the slightest. I do like garlic bread though. I exit my room with the box in hand and I put a piece in the toaster. 


I pull it out and take a huge bite. It's delicious, just what I needed today. As I walk back to my room, I start to feel a little drowsy, woozy, disoriented. What could've caused this, I wonder as I accidentally stumble into the wall and trip over my feet. Then, right before I black out, I remember:

Never take food from a murderer. 

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