Fort Pinta

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Today my mom and I moved to Jorvik. I am not as happy as other people about moving here, because my mom and dad split up here and I am not a big horse fan.
After mom and I left Jorvik we moved to NYC and that's where I was raised. I am a city girl.
When we arrived, we were in a town called fort pinta. Mom and I got a hotel so we could rest and stay the night.
later today we explored the the town. There is a huge fountain in the center of the town, and a disco over looking the the bay. There are many small shops, like a farmers market. Just outside of the town wall is a small beach. With a juice bar and more shops. We went in this pet store and they had this really playful black cat. I got to play with it, that's got to be the cutest thing ever. They also had dogs and bunnies.
By a statue mom found a dragon plush. It turns out that it has a name, but I forgot it, and every day it gets moved and you have to find it new spot.
For our last spot of the day mom went to see an old friend the Fort pinta barn. Because I did not want to go in the stinky barn I sat on a hay bale just outside. As I am waiting on mom the horse in the pen behind me came up to me. Usually I would have just walked away, but there was something different about her, something calming, so I stayed. The thing on her head said "Strawberry Fall" so I guess that was her name. She was sweet she let me pet her and I pick up some grass and fed it to her. For some reason she was alone all of the other were in the barn.

Mom finished talking and we went back to the hotel

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Mom finished talking and we went back to the hotel. On are way back I thought I saw a man bring food to Strawberry and she snorted and ran to the back, as if she did not like him.

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