New Home

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Today we said goodbye to Fort pinta. We got on a bus which took us to a new place called Moorland, that's where my dad lives. I didn't get to explore much of Moorland today but just inside the walls is our house, a barn, and shops for horse stuff.

 I didn't get to explore much of Moorland today but just inside the walls is our house, a barn, and shops for horse stuff

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When we walked up to the front door a man stepped out and gave us big hug. "My, look how you grown. The last time I saw you, you were only 7 months old. Come in come in." "Where can I set my bags" I ask hoping he  would tell me where my room is. "If you would like, you can set your bags right here and I can give you a quick tour of our house and then you can come back for them."

On the ground level is the kitchen, a dining room, the living room, and a bathroom. There's also a basement downstairs. On the top floor is our bedrooms, there are three. We each get our own room, or so I thought. I get my own room. While we were in New York dad adopted a foster kid, my half-sister, she also gets her own room. Mom and dad sleep in the same room. Dad gave Mom the bed and he is sleeping on a couch.

I went up stairs to my new room it had gray walls with a darker gray trim, a white bed, desk, and book shelving. Dad had already made my bed for me. The bed had white sheets with teal, coral, and grey diamonds, it also had a teal comforter, and teal coral and gray pillows. I got all of my stuff unpacked. Then I set on my bed and fell asleep.

"Ivy, come on dinner is ready get up." "I'm up, give me a minute" I got up, brush my hair that was now a total mess, and went downstairs for dinner.

"Lilly, your half-sister is coming home tomorrow." "Cool, do you know when?" "4-5 p.m." "Oh ok"Then there was a long pause.  "Ivy, Christen, We are low on staff so  I'd love if you two can help around the barn." Dad askef. "We would love to, right Ivy" mom said trying to get me to say ok. "No way, I am not going anywhere near the stinky horses" "Ivy, come on now. There are plenty of other things to do without horses." Mom said with a pleading voice, but I just looked at her. "Oh and Ivy if you do change your mind I can get you any lesson horse between here and FP. Theres some nice ponies or  Connemaras." At that moment I lost control of my body. "What about the one outside of fort pinta, Strawberry Fall I think." Said with a little excitement. "Yeah sure" dad set a little surprised. Then he realized who Ivy said.

"NO, NO WAY, yes she is still for sale, BUT NO. SHE IS THE MEANEST HORSE ON THE ISLAND. Find a  nother." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, SHE WAS THE SWEETEST THING EVER YESTERDAY" I fought back. "SWEET. SHE BIT THE LAST PERSON WHO TRIED TO HANDLE HER, AND SHE CHASED AWAY ALL THE OTHER BYERS." "If she is as really as nice as Ivy said, let her prove it"mom said jumping in. "Fine, tomorrow evening we will go to fort." The rest of the meal was quiet, then we all went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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