Sasuke and sakura friends or foes?

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-preview of last night-

You had made sure you had everything for tomorrow, going over your list, making sure having every detail

'Camera, check ✅'

'Making a new schedule about siblings academy, check✅'

'And etc, okay I'm ready!'

"Hehehe tomorrow is when Sasuke and naruto kiss"

'You seem excited for that to happen'

"Yeah I probably had watch it more than hundreds of times"

'I like to see that happen'

-presents time-


Getting up and stretching, looking at the time '8:35', falling out of bed and grab my clothes and dressed, I yelled


Hearing loud foot steps running around the room, they soon came out I had only made sandwiches for breakfast and no time to make there lunches.

~*"What happen to the alarm!"*~

"I don't now but let's hurry!" (I just love how when people wake up late and hurrying up)

We left at '8:45' and had arrive at the academy at '8:50' seeing the door to my class, about to run up to it though two girl ran past me. One with pink hair and light blonde hair.

'Again at there contest'


Opening the door noticing the fan girl fighting with each other to seat with Sasuke, grabbing my camera out of my pocket, and took a seat behind Sasuke.
Right on cue naruto had gotten on the table and glare at him, the fan girls yell at him.

'Get ready hitomi it going to start in 3'

Naruto glare at Sasuke you could see the a light going through there eyes


In slow motion the boy behind naruto had push him forward



'Pfft that is one way to black mail someone and it really is funny in person to see them kiss'

Naruto and Sasuke had broken the kiss, and gagged.

3rd POV

- a couple minutes ago-

When you had enter the class the hokage was spying on everyone in class

"The most promising student Sasuke Uchiha is that him"

"Yeah his the one"

"His the last survivor of the Uchiha clan"

"That right"

Then the glass ball had look at you

"Who's that?" Kurenai had said

"That (y/n) miyako (l/n)"

'A Miyako?!' This is what all sensei's thought now curious about you

"Before you say anything she seem to be that last survivor along with her twin siblings"(just to say that the hokage and senseis know little nothing about the miyako, because there clan is quiet, and secretive all they probably know is that you take blood from a victim)

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