The Prologue

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"I think we should break up".

I was woken up to bullshit.

I stared at him tired and blankly from the bed, "we were dating?" I questioned back. I swear he got off the bed and turned around so fast roadrunner would've been astonished.

"What! How can you say that! We've been seeing each other for over two years now !" He cried out.

A little bit confused I asked, " Are you sure because from my standpoint we've been strictly having sex for about twenty-four months and I don't remember you mentioning anything about dating".

After I said that, it was revealed to me how much Topaz really needed to start going back to high school and put his head in some books and not between some legs because the response I got from him made my head hurt.

"Who said anything about twenty-four months ?! I said two years, not six Luna! Please start using your brain." He said shaking his head while unknowingly revealing how much brainpower he didn't possess.

I felt my IQ drop from continuing to stay in his bed while listening to him. Even though I knew that can't really happen, Topaz's intelligence can actually make you feel that it can.

So on that note, I miserably got up out of bed and began putting back on my undergarments and clothing while blatantly ignoring Topaz in his boxers. "So you just going to ignore me now huh?" He asked. I scoffed and answered while now looking for my phone around his bed, " Topaz, I'm not arguing with you, if you want to "break up" let's break up then ". Making bunny ears on the breakup part.

I was already angry at the fact I had to be woken up for something like this. We could've just spoken about it in the morning, which wasn't really going to be much of a conversation anyways since we never established we were even dating. He should've remembered that I don't date, I've said it clear as day to him when we hooked up the first few times that it was going to be strictly just sex.

Now, before y'all assume, the reason I don't date is not that I got my heart broken or some sob story but because I just don't want to. I just never met someone that I could entirely vibe with on an emotional level, everyone that I've met was just physical to me honestly.

So it really shot my mind into orbit when I had to be woken up for break up, to a relationship that wasn't in existence in the first place.

Great, I love to be woken up at probably ungodly hours to bullshit.

Basically, to outline my mood I am pissed and currently getting more irritable at the fact I couldn't find my phone around the room as I searched his bed and the floor. Really where could my phone actually be in this one-bedroom apartment? I was about to suspect that this dumb ass took it until I realized the butt pocket of my black ripped jeans felt weird.

I slowly slide my hand behind my back towards my butt pocket praying that it was my phone because if it wasn't I was going to throw this whole apartment away with Topaz and his bullshit included.

I pulled the object out of my pocket and thanked the lord that it was my iPhone 11. I turned it on and waited for its startup.

I guess while I was internally having a where-the-fuck-did-a-relationship-with-this-guy- come-from and why-the-fuck-can't-I-find-my-phone-where-the-fuck-is-it meltdown. Externally Topaz was still talking to himself about our "break up" because I was sure as hell wasn't listening before.

"-ow can you say that! Let's break up so easily!? Did you even love me?! Or we're you just using me!? Huh!? Did our past two years mean-" Suddenly, Topaz amazingly gets cuts off by a chime that my phone made to alert me it's been revived.

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