universe swap

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Hello it is I so i was wondering if guys could give me some suggestions so i am almost good with any ship except for two moxeity only because i feel that's his father if he wasn't a father pigment i would be okay with that ship the other one is remus and roman that can speak for itself anyway my favorite ships are prinxiety and logality and jamus if you have any suggestion comment and tell me. right now to the one shot

Romans Point of view (RPOV)

I woke up to see that Virgil wasnt with me and I went to the kitchen to see if he was there but instead I saw something that broke my heart. Virgil was kissing Janus, my boyfriend kissing my enemy, the one we both disliked. I had hot tears coming down my face and I yelled at Janus hoping this was all some big misunderstanding and said "Why are you kissing my boyfriend" Janus looked confused and said "he is 'definitely' your boyfriend and 'not' mine," Virgil looked angry and yelled "you are not my boyfriend he is leave me alone Last i heard you hated me!" (oooo sorry i had too) My heart broke and i went to patton because he was the most comforting person next to virgil and i told him what happened and he looked so hurt and said "I thought we were boyfriends! I thought you loved me" then he ran to Logan and Logan came in from Remus's room? And he said "why do you think you and Virgil are dating when you guys hate each other?" Then he stopped and realized what happened and said "oh you're in the wrong universe I will have to look for a way to get you back and get are roman back" he rolled his eyes and walked away. My heart hurt so bad because I was not sure when I could see my storm cloud again and the thought that he will have to look at his storm cloud and the slimy snake kiss made him hurt even more and went to his room and cried into his pillow.

Other Romans Point Of View (ORPOV)

I woke up with someone hugging me. I quickly turned around to see it was the emo nightmare I pushed him off of me annoyed that Virgil was in my room instead of patton. Virgil woke up immediately and looked at me confused and hurt that I woke him up. He asked "Ro are you okay? what happened? Did you have a nightmare?" I smirked and said "yeah you were in my room and that is discuseding to think about." He looked so hurt and tears fell from his eyes and he slapped me and yelled " To think that I actually thought you loved me always knew you lied you you" I replied smirking "you what what am i?" He yelled so loud that everyone on both sides heard "ARE THE WORST! I TRUSTED YOU!" I laughed until all of the sides popped in and Janus and Remus looked like they were going to kill me and patton and remy were trying to comfort the panic at the everywhere and logan and kissed patton and whispered something in his ear I saw this and yelled "How Dare you kiss my boyfriend you nerdy wolverine and in front of your own boyfriend nonetheless" I said pointing at Remus. Remus looked angry and confused and then he knocked me out. I woke up to see Virgil crying into Janus and Remus rubbing Virgil's and Janus's back to calm them down. Then Remus saw I was awake and kissed Janus and turned and said "dear brother you're awake now tell me why you hurt Virgil the one you told me you loved" I froze thinking when have i ever said that? He then punched me and whispered "the one you told me you were going to propose to the one i told you i would kill for the one i said if you hurt him i kill you" you sounded threateningly and i started to panic and then he took his mace out and then Janus took virgil to patton and smacked me and turned to remus and said "we can't kill him because logan said that if we do the other universe he lives in will have no creativity so we cant sorry love" I felt shocked because wasn't Janus with Virgil? Then I yelled and asked "What kind of boyfriends are you guys you both will hurt Logan and Virgils feelings cheating on him I mean you Janus and Virgil make out almost all morning so what's that about and remus you are almost always in Logan's room!" they turned and laughed and said "dude did you not hear your in the wrong universe don't worry about it though logan already knows how to send you back." Then Remus came to my face and said "now if you hurt virgil in the other universe i will know and i will kill you" Then he smiled and went to pattons room to check on virgil. Then it was just me and snake face. He looked at me and then he took Remus's mace from the floor and hit me hard on the head and said " This is for hurting my Virgil" He hissed. I was scared and felt blood trickling down my head and he called for Logan to fix me up and I passed out and found myself in my room with Patton looking at me crying and Virgil and Janus holding hands. Then i smiled knowing i was back then kissed patton's head.


Still crying i Look up to see that patton was not there crying and that Janus was gone and i saw Virgil crying right next to me I quickly hugged him he looked at me smiled and hugged back and kissed me and said "Roman your back I missed you your other self was the worst" I smiled and replied "you think my old me was the worst you should have met the other you he purposely kissed janus in front of me to make me cry more" He laughed and gave me a tight hug.

Hello it is me I hope you liked this it was so much fun to make if you have any suggestions please tell me i am wanting some so any ways take it easy my friends! (Word count 1090)

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