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"Oh god! Oh god! I can't go to jail for killing no white boy," Kesean states.

"You were supposed to be fucking watching him Sean!" Taz growls at him.

"I was! I was! Oh my god! We are fucked. Oh my fuckin god man!"

Kesean keeps circling around Taz with this wide-eyed look on his face that seems like he is really going through something. You would think by the expression on his face that we all just got the death sentence or something. He's freaking out and it becomes clear who the weak link in this group is.

"Shut him up," I say.

Pompey at this point is hovering over the trunk. It's Taz who gets the most annoyed at Kesean. He grabs Kesean by the collar and his hand is balled. I think he's going to knock some fucking sense straight into him but I grab Taz so he doesn't take it too far.

"We are fucked..." Kesean mutters again, this time lower possibly in fear that Taz might try to swing on him if he's too loud.

Taz has this look in his eyes that makes me think he is completely removed from this situation altogether. He looks at me and says, "Fuck him. He was fuckin with you. He was a racist..."

"He didn't deserve to die," I tell Taz.

"No...my nigga Coin didn't deserve to die."

"Taz this is serious. Someone is dead because of you..."

"Because of US. Or are cutting us loose..." he asks, "Gonna run back to your white friend Wren and forget you came to us for help when shit hit the fan."

"It's not like that..."

Even if I did come to them for help I didn't tell them to go this far. I didn't tell my band to attack Andrew. This has gone too far.

"Yo..." Pompey says out of nowhere.

He's been quiet this entire time that Kesean has been freaking out and during the argument after. I look over him noticing that he's still hovering over Andrew. His eyes keep looking down at the trunk.

"Not now Pompey," Taz cuts him off before turning to me, "Dijon...I thought we were in this together..."

He was offended by me saying that Andrew didn't deserve to die. Ever since I'd said the words it just felt like I drew a line with him. One that is making Taz look at me completely different.

Taz looks like he straight up doesn't even recognize the guy I am at this moment.

"Taz, please it's not like that..."

I try to grab him but he pushes away hissing a harsh, "Get the fuck off me..."

I feel like shit when he says it. Taz has never spoken to me like this. I knew he had a lot of anger in him but a lot of that seemed targeted at other people. Seeing him act cold to me for the first time was something that I wasn't really used to.

It was something that I didn't like.

All of a sudden I feel as though maybe he took what I said wrong. He felt like I was sticking up for Andrew when really I was just trying to stand for human life.

I open my mouth to explain this but I'm cut off by Pompey who seems persistent to get what he wants to say out.

"Yo..." Pompey says again turning towards us with this look in his eyes of relief, "He's not dead."

We immediately all circle around the back of the truck. Kesean has been tough as hell trying to hang with Taz until now. Now he's crying and showing all this emotion I hadn't even known he had. It proves no matter how menacing and tough some black men acted they were still human in the end. We all were. And right now there is a human sense of relief guiding all between us.

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