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"Welcome to Revolution."

Pompey, Kesean and I are lead about two blocks down to another warehouse. As soon as we get in I realize this place is packed with people. They are all gathered in this place like a pack of sardines. A lot of them have bandannas around their mouths. Others are walking around with ski masks or full on body paint. This isn't their first time in this place. You can tell by how they move around. There's a lot more people than I know.

There were a good 50 people in the room at once...men and women.

"These are just the people that are here right now. We got more numbers. All over the city," Taz states.

Numbers? Of course he should have numbers if this was a protest. There were thousands of protestors out there. What did he mean by he had numbers? I notice these people don't look like the protestors who are out in the streets after Coin's death either. Those protestors were mixed crowds. Black and white people were outraged about Coin's death. This wasn't a mixed crowd. There were only blacks. Coin's death had caused something in the neighborhood and these people were the fruit of that tragedy.

"So this what you been sneaking off to all the time?" Kesean asks, "I thought you were doing some gay shit wit Dijon."

Taz turns around and looks at me. He has this real intense look on his face. All around him I see people organizing. Was this some sort of protest organization. I'm not sure. Either way I'm impressed Taz is able to pull this off.

He knows I'm impressed. He has the same cocky Taz look on his face. The look that he gives me whenever he got really aggressive with me and studies my reaction as though I'm some patient on his surgery table.

"Nah he's been too busy with the white boy...when he should have been by MY side, starting this to get justice for Coin."

He shames me and it hits me. It hits me as hard as a brick through the chest. It was as though he was accusing me of betraying not only my race and my culture, but also Coin's memory. Taz has a way of getting aggressive with me in that way. He has a tendency to make me feel naked and vulnerable at times.

Times like now.

I tuck the shame away and just nod, "This is impressive, Taz..."

At this point we have gotten closer into his operation. We start seeing the type of stuff that people are packing in all black bags. These aren't the type of protestors with signs. No. These people had spray paint, firecrackers, bats, hammers, chains and all this other dangerous looking shit that seemed this was going to be on something next level.

All of a sudden I go from impressed to immediately concerned.

And I'm not the only one.

"Molotov cocktails?" Pompey points out from a box openly displayed in the warehouse, "Ya'll are out here making fucking Molotov cocktails!"

Pompey is loud and freaking out causing a bunch of people to turn towards him. From the looks of it Pompey knew some of these people. I didn't know any of these people but I was still just as shocked at just what kind of operation this is.

"Taz what is all this?" I ask, "What are you doing with all this stuff?"

Taz puts this half smirk on his face and shrugs, "It looks like Officer McHenry is going to get off for what he did to Coin. The media is spinning the story to make it seem like Coin was type of pervert instead of focusing on the fact that the sex was with McHenry's son. We going to go up to that school of yours and get our own justice."

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