Chapter Six: The Price Of Magic

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"Okay, you two- we gotta teach you how to act when were on the Isle," Jay said. "First- Caitriona, you know I love your hair but you have to keep it covered with this." He tossed a beanie at her. "There's only one villain with red hair here and they'd all know you're not her kid. Second- slouch, you look too well-adjusted. Both of you. Third, Caitriona, do you know how to steal?" Caitriona laughed.

"With my uncles, you have to. Half my stuff used to be their stuff," she said. "And here-" she handed Jay his own wallet. "Is this. Figured you might want it."

"There's still twenty missing," Jay pointed out.

"Yeah, but here," Caitriona said. "Got you this." She tossed him a small chocolate cupcake. "Your treat. I already ate the rest."

Ben's attempt to talk to Mal failed. Extraordinarily, in fact, and Mal was left angry and alone. Caitriona stood guard over him while Evie tried to convince Mal to let her speak.

"Mal, it's me," Evie said. "Please, let me up, I just want to talk."

"You really screwed up," Caitriona said. "You have invented a new kind of stupid."

"I know," Ben sighed. "A damage I can never undo kinda stupid, huh?"

"Like, an 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid," Caitriona continued. "In all seriousness, you probably can fix this but you have to understand how it happened from her eyes. You pressured her to comply to your idea of what the next queen of Auradon-"

"Who ever said-"

"Hush, child," Caitriona said. "And then she finds a way to make it easier, because it's all she knows how to do and the task she's set is impossible. And when you find out about her harmless use of little kiddy spells- and trust me, those are nothing compared to what she's capable of- you don't try to understand her, you just tell her that she's doing something bad."

"I just wanted her to be herself."

"Well, good job there," Caitriona snorted. "Spells, mischief, doing things in an unconventional way. That is Mal. If you really want her to be your girlfriend, you have to accept her. And sure, she's going to have quirks that Auradon girls aren't- she might use magic, she might be a little snarky, but at the end of the day, that's who you fell in love with. Right?"

"Right. Yeah," Ben said. "You're alright at this."

"Damn straight I am," Caitriona replied. "I'm gonna go grab a snack from my bag, it's just over there. Be right back, okay? Stay here." She hurried over to where her bag was supposed to be, only it wasn't hanging where she left it. She checked on the ground, patting around the shadows trying to find it.

"Hey, Ben, I set my purse here righ-" something was thrown over her head, a hand was clamped over her mouth and she felt herself being dragged.

"Lemme go!" Her muffled voice sounded weird in her ears. She bit and gnashed at the hand on her face, but it did nothing. She tried kicking at her attacker's knees but from this angle judging the location of their knees was hard. Finally, she decided to just wait until she had been taken wherever she was supposed to be.

"Who's the other one?" A calm, blasé voice asked. "You were only supposed to get the king.

"This one was with the king, so I figured I'd better take her too."

"Dammit Gil," the first voice again. "Harry, you have any clue?" Harry. Is that-

"'Fraid I don't know what you're talking about, boss," he said. It was. It was him. Caitriona had to suppress a smile. Finally, she met the infamous Harry. I would've liked our meeting to be under far different circumstances, though. "She's got red hair though, do ye think she's-"

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