Skipping school

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Flashback~Y/N was sitting down in the family room watching the tv when her older foster brother, Danny, came over and was holding her Barbie doll

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Y/N was sitting down in the family room watching the tv when her older foster brother, Danny, came over and was holding her Barbie doll. "Is this yours?" Danny waved it in her face. "Yes." Y/N nods her head. Just then Danny, rips off her dolls head. Y/N began to tear up and started to cry. "I'm telling!" She whined.

"Whittle baby, has to whine to her parents she angwy!" He throws her doll at her and leaves. Later that night, Y/N was sitting down on the couch playing with Billy when their foster father yelled at her. "Yyyyyyou gget over here." He slurs while Y/N was slowly getting up. He then let out an annoyed huff and roughly grabs her arm and swung her onto the floor.

He stomps onto Y/N's hand, causing Y/N's hand to break. "What's your problem?!" Billy asked while picking up his sister.

"Y/N/N, I am so so sorry, I promise I will never leave you again. And if someone ever touches you again I will hurt them back." Billy and Y/N ran away that night never to come back.
Flashback end~

Billy was in his adult form while Freddy was wearing a black helmet with a camera attached to it. "Freddy are you sure this going to work?" Y/N asks standing right next to him. "Of this will, Y/N, plus it's payback for what they did." Freddy sends a devilish smile and Y/N smiles back.

Once the Breyer brothers were out of their truck, Billy lifted the truck and slammed it back down on the ground. Leaving Brett and Burke in total shock.

"Yeah, guys that's definitely not going to buff out." Y/N patted their backs but Freddy was laughing. Later that day Y/N and Billy were waiting for Freddy outside the teacher's lounge as he went to grab a jacket. "Making the cripple kid do all the dirty work?"

Y/N told Billy. "I don't think you can do a better look out." She sends a sad smile. "Sissy, I can be a better look out." "And we can't!" Freddy sounded upset.

The trio were walking down the hallway when an officer stopped them. "Hey! You kids got a hall pass?" He asked, suspiciously. "Yeah, yeah, all ways." Y/N sends a smile. "You look like your up to something." Y/N thought he was talking about her but he he was pointing at Freddy.

"Me? No never up to nothing." But the officer wasn't believing him. "Yeah right. Look parents or guardians have to be present to pick up children." Billy ran in the other direction and whispered Shazam then coming back out in his adult self with the jacket covering him.

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