New kids

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(A.N: so this is just something me and my bsf are doing if it dosent make any sence srry and if u have any ideas plz tell me know i would also like yall to
vote and comet )


Me and Bonnie a.k.a my bsf were just walking down the hall to my locker when all of a sudden six very good looking new kids wallked in . I was guessing that two were a couple and the rest seemed single if u know what i mean .Then all of a souden Bonnie waved her hand in my face I then quikly turned to her and said "what was that for " she then said "u were staring at the brown headed new kid " . "No I wasn't ,I have Stephan ,why would I stare at some new kid .Even tho I was he was very cute and seemed very free spirited.

There were three girls and three boys ,but when I turnd back to look at them one of the girls had walked up to me and Bonie and said hi and her name was Alisson Argent.As soon as she said argent I said "Omg my dad had this journal that my brother has been reading and it said "We had a family friend named Chris Argent ". "Thats funny my dads name is Chris"said Allison. "Well im Elana Gilbert and this is Bonnie. Then Bonie says "Well nice to meet u Allison" and Allison then waved to her friends to come over and as soon as she did my brother came over. I turned to him and said "Hey Allison this is my brother Jeremy ".Allison had said"Oh hi im Allison" and she proceeded to shake his hand.

"Well this is Malia,Scott,Lydia,Isacc,and Stiles." Allison said to me and Bonnie I said hi and waved but the whole time i stared at Stiles idk why but I couldn't take my eyes off of him untill Bonnie fake coughed ,then I looked away. I looked over to Jeremy who has locked eyes with Malia. I just smiled and looked away and thats when I saw Stiles looking at me up and down, I might of blushed a little till Stephen walked over and I could tell he was not happy that Stiles was looking me . He walked up to me and put his hand around my waist and then introduced him self which was fine till he looked at Stiles and said '"Hi im Stephen,Elana's BOYFRIEND " I then looked at him and stormed off and every one just stared at me till I got in to the bathroom.


As soon as I saw Elana run off I wanted to chase after her and idk why, I just meet her but I did, I just ran but i then felt a pair of hands, it was Bonnie. She looked at me and shook her head no and then Bonnie pointed her head tourdes Stephen , which he looked very angry at me and then something happened to his eyes and I took my hand away from Bonie and waved my friends over to the front office so we can get our schedules.I looked at every one and asked "Was that me or did Stephen's eyes do something weird, it looked like his veins just poped out and were moving backwards?"

Every one looked at me weird so I just said never mind.Then Allisson said "ima go check on her ", "we will to" said Lidya and Malia . "Ok" is all Scott said and then me and the guys walked to our lockers and I proceeded to say "Thank goodness they were next to each other"even tho im between my best friend which is Scott btw and Issac, well he's an acquaintance. Idk he just gives me weird vibes like after Derek bit him he's just not the same but I guess thats just my opinion.


As i sat in the bathroom stall all I could think about is how much ima scream at Stephen later, and how cute Stiles was i mean,what no Elana u and Stephen are in love, well thats what ive been telling my self. Its just him and Caroline have been spending so much time together I just felt distant and Matt dosen't even talk to me. So all I have is Bonnie and I hate to say this but Damon also .

I was about to leave the bathroom when all of a sudden Allison, Bonie, Malia and Lidya walk in to the bathroom. "Oh hi guys "I said, they just looked at me and hugged me so ofc i hugged back. I stood there for a moment and the just yelled "I THINK STEPHEN IS IN LOVE WITH CAROLINE". They just looked at me and frowned with sympathy I then said never mind im just overreacting right? Malia, Lidya and Allison just said "well we just met but if u think that maybe you should talk to him and I nodded and said "I just know we are gonna be good friends" . I then turned to Bonnie who just smiled and nodded

(A.N :ok so its kinda long but plz comet if u liked it it would mean a lot to me :> )

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