Chapter Twenty-Eight

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When I got downstairs, Grady was waiting just outside the back door for me. He slung his arm over my shoulders and led me towards a small crowd. His breath tickled my ear as he leaned in and whispered, "These are the guys who were there when... Peter happened." He seemed nervous he might upset me by saying the wrong words.

As we walked closer, I immediately inspected their hands to check for bloody knuckles. "All of them?" I whispered when I realized each and every one of these five men had bruises or scrapes on their hands and arms. "They all hit him?"

"He's fine, baby. I just sent Mark to talk to him. These guys will probably hang around for awhile, a little bit like body guards for you."

I sighed, about to make a remark that he couldn't actually make them babysit me, but then I remembered what Lily had said. I had promised myself I would follow, and let him lead. "Do you think that's something we should seriously consider?" I asked, in a curious tone.

"Maybe just part time. So if I'm busy working or something, you'll have someone you can ask for help."

I nodded okay as we stopped in front of them.

"This is George," he said, pointing to a young brown haired man with tattoos sleeving one of his arms. The man next to him looked about my age, he had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His name was, "Max." The next had dark brown hair, like Grady's but his skin complexion was darker. "Lucas." My eyes followed to a boy who had to be barely eighteen, if even that old with strawberry blonde hair. "Elliott." The oldest one stood at the end of the line. His hair was salt and pepper, black with some grey and white at the temples, and be smiled at me as Grady introduced him as, "Sam."

"All of you stood up for me against Peter?" I asked. These men looked like they could've killed Peter in a heartbeat alone, but the five of them together could probably kill anyone.

"Of course we did," Lucas responded. "You're a pack mate, like a sister. We couldn't let him treat you like that."

Grady squeezed my hand, before stepping away. "You're safe with these guys. I have some things to finish up. Hang out with them, okay?"

I nodded as he walked away, before turning back to the five men who suddenly seemed like guardian angels, protectors. "I don't have any siblings. I wouldn't know what that's like," I mumbled.

"You'll learn," Max said encouragingly. "So, we took up for you, now we want to know who you are. Come on." He nodded towards a long picnic table. The six of us walked like some sort of team to the table. Elliott and Max flanked the sides of me as I sat at the table. Lucas sat in front of me with Sam and George at his sides.

I took a chance too look at each of them, to catch features and expressions in their faces. Aside from George, they all looked pretty lighthearted. "So, what do you want to know about me?"

"First, I want to know how you ended up here," Sam said, looking me up and down. "You don't look like a rogue seeking refuge."

I shook my head. "Not quite. I..." I sighed. There was no way around it. Grady told me to be honest. So, why not? "I was marked when I was seventeen by my old Alpha's son." Five pairs of eyes widened, so I hurried to continue. "It's all kind of confusing to me still, but his dad didn't believe I was good for him. So, he killed his son and forced me to live in seclusion on the edge of my pack."

"For how long?" Max asked with anger behind his voice.

"Five years. I was trying to date because I never felt anything from my mate. I assumed he must've been dead or something went wrong, so I figured it couldn't hurt to date. I actually went on a date with Peter. He found the mark and brought me here thinking Grady could help. That's how I ended up here."

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