Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Syd led the way to Peter's place, while George, Max, Sam, Lucas, and Elliott followed behind me. For a moment, I wondered what I looked like with this entourage of men hanging around me. However, Grady was up to something. He didn't trust me with Peter or Syd, but suddenly he trusted me alone with both of them as well as these other guys I'd just met? That whole 'tonight is for fun without thinking' thing put me on edge.

Either he was doing something he didn't want me to know about, or he was hiding something from me in general. It was suspicious. He knew something I didn't and it made me worry. I had questions, so many questions, swimming in my head, but no answers.

When Syd opened the door to a house, I smelled blood. Peter's blood. I stopped so abruptly one of the Deltas walked into me, but then they all stopped too.

"Are you alright?" Max whispered.

"I... I'm fine. I don't want to see him like that. I don't think I should see him at all. I... Just tell him I said bye." I shouldn't have come here. He wants me as his own, and then he hit me. Why did I come to say goodbye to him? I turned and saw five pairs of eyes staring down at me in the dark. I needed Grady. I was hurt and scared all over again, but he was busy with something.  "I need a beer," I mumbled.

"Can do, Miss Charli. I think we could all go for a beer," Sam said. He took my arm across his, and walked beside me back to the Alpha House.

Nausea choked me as I thought of the way Peter had looked on the floor when Syd brought him in. "Why didn't you kill him?" I said aloud even though I'd meant to keep it silent. "I mean, how didn't you? You guys look... brutal. How do you...?"

"Well, we couldn't really kill him without the Alpha's permission," Lucas responded . "He probably would've given it to us if he'd come out and seen the way Peter was acting. What did you say to him to make him stay with you?"

"I begged," I answered honestly. "He was so angry, but I just kept telling him I needed help, that he needed to help me with the blood first before he went after Peter."

"I cant believe he even got a hit in before one of us noticed." George sounded shameful, and it made me want to hug him, but then again, I didn't really know him or any of them.

"Has Peter always been like that? Someone said I'm an angel for getting him to leave. I didn't want that. I don't want him to leave his home because of me."

"No that's not it!" Max moved closer and took my other arm. "He's always been an asshole. He's not a good fit for the pack. He needs to be somewhere else, with another pack."

"Wait, is he leaving to become a rogue? He cant do that."

"Charli, relax," Sam said, rubbing my arm. "Peter has another pack in mind. That's what the Alpha is doing. We weren't supposed to tell you, but it doesn't matter. You were going to find out anyway. He's helping Peter transfer into another pack."

"Even though he's hurt?"

Sam nodded. "He'll shift once he's outside of the territory and heal himself before he moves on."

"Do you know what pack he's going to?"

"No, we don't know that. We're just the pretty distractions," Elliott answered.

I chuckled. "I guess that will have to work. Surprising you think he wants you to be a pretty distraction after I told you what he said about anyone who touches me."

"Oh, tomato tomahto! He wouldn't hurt us," George said from the back of the group.

"And we won't be touching you," Max added, but my eyes turned down to his hand rubbing my forearm. "Not like that, silly! We have to touch you sometimes to protect you and keep you happy, but nothing sexual."

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