Strange Feelings

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter or Spartacus or their stories. I only own my story and any characters I might add.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!! 



Chapter Two: Strange Feelings

Batiatus' POV:

I woke with a gasp looking around only to realize I was safely within my Villa once more. The bruise upon my side made itself known once more as I slowly rose then stood.

"Quintus, why are you from bed?" Lucretia's voice asked as I dressed. "The Medicus gave plain instruction you are to rest."

"A week upon my back sees advice well heeded more and even my cock will cease knowing how to stand." I told her.

"His spirit returns." Gaia laughed as Lucretia made tempt to aid in dressing.

"I am not a babe new dropped from fucking womb." I told her as she smirked.

"See meat and wine set out," Lucretia demanded.

"I always follow the wine," Gaia laughed before turning gaze towards me, "your wounds, they are less gruesome." With a smile, she was gone.

"Has she not yet found some fool's bed to fall to yet? Or is her sole intent in Capua to drink us dry?"

"She has been a great comfort."

"And seeks the word for herself," I told my wife.

"Who do you think dried my tears when my husband was returned to me bloodied and broken? His life in question?" I gazed upon her face as she spoke and noticed tears threatening to fall.

I took hold of her hands. "I live," I reminded her gently, "and continue thoughts towards doing so." I took of her face then. "I would not see my injuries wound you as well."

Lucretia leaned in for a kiss then. "It is a balm to see you on your feet." I smiled and walked from her. "You're going to speak to the Magistrate about this?" she questioned.

"Towards what end?" I asked picking up the mirror to stare upon my reflection and the damage done to it.


"He is a puppet" I interrupted her. "What redress would Sextus offer when the man who grieved me holds his strings?"

"Tullius has always been a favored son of Capua," Lucretia spoke. "I cannot believe he would be capable of doing such a thing."

"A man of ambition is capable of anything," I told her.

Tullius' POV:

"My dealings with the Magistrate take precedence tomorrow. I would have you greet Varus in my stead."

"The honor would be mine." Vettius spoke as we walked through the city. "The man pisses wine and shits gold."

"Varus is but a stream leading to an ocean of coin." I told the boy. "One I would see break wave upon our steps." The boy laughed.

"He comes to choose men?" he questioned.

"For the Games of the Vinalia. To ensure his vines bear fruit in the coming year."

"I will present only our finest gladiators." The boy spoke as a certain man caught eye.

"I would enrich our stock, and offer him Gannicus as well." Once words were spoken I headed towards the man.

Solonius' POV:

"This had best be the Falernian promised," I warned the merchant. "If I find you've served your usual swill we will have words."

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