Chapter 1 ~ The Cinderella Story Gone Wrong

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A/N: First and Foremost, I do not own Naruto. I only own my OC's Matsuri, Hiromi, and Chinatsu.

~Around 11:00pm at Matsuri's house~

Hiromi's POV:

"Hey Hiromi, pass me the soy sauce." Matsuri demanded with anger clearly seeping out of her. Her curly light brown hair decorated with food on its edges from eating so sloppily.
"Hnnn..." I passed the soy sauce over to Matsuri quietly so as to not wake up Shikamaru who was sleeping on the couch in the living room snoring.
"Thanks. By the way, why are you staying over at my house again?"
"No one's home..." When I got home my butler, Tanaka, said that my mother and father wouldn't be home for a couple months due to a business trip. He also said that Itachi is going to university and is therefore living in dorms so he can't stay over at my house like he used to and watch me. While Sasuke is staying over at a friends' house because he doesn't want his classmates to know where he lives.
"Again? Look, if you don't want to stay at home alone then why don't you just tell them? Same with Sasuke. He's your childhood friend isn't he? Then ask him if you can sleep over at his house. It'd be a sleepover." That's easy, because its troublesome.
"Sasuke and I aren't kids anymore and my parents always say that they're too busy...anyway it's fine, I don't want to trouble them more than I already have." Yeah, that's why. Lately our family has been breaking apart and I don't know why. It's like every time a relative of mine faces me right after that they turn away flustered.
"Therefore you believe it's alright to trouble me with the shortage of food in my house?" I stay over at Matsuri's house whenever I don't want to stay at home alone. Best part is that since my parents and siblings never come home, I don't have to explain to them that I'm staying over at a friends' house and unnecessarily worry them.
"I'll pay you back for the food like I always do." I get an allowance of $1,500 a week but since I don't need the money I always give it to Matsuri.
"Hey hey hey, what do you think I am? Some kinda extortionist?" Matsuri's always been there for me throughout the years but our families don't like each other.
"You aren't?" Although I don't understand why.
"Well then why don't you leave. Call Sasuke and tell him that the next time you come over to my house for food, I'm telling the whole school where he lives. Then you can stay with me forever Hiromi. You're so adorable, who wouldn't want you! Besides, you guys used to be inseparable as kids, nowadays you guys act like the other doesn't exist." That's not true, it's just that some days we don't feel like socializing. Matsuri hugged me tightly and pinched my cheek while smiling widely.
"You're being awfully touchy today Matsuri...practicing a role?" Whenever Matsuri talks a lot and hugs me I can tell that she's practicing for a role in a play. Her dream, I guess you could say is to be an actor.
"Yeah, and its annoying. In the script it says that the character I'm playing loves interaction with others and is always hugging someone. The exact opposite of who I am now. *Sigh* What a pain." I immediately responded,
"Oh, I'm sorry, a pain for who exactly?" Every time she practices on me at school people get the wrong idea. Though I don't blame them. Even so, more rumors aren't exactly what I need right now. Matsuri growled,
"Shut up Hiromi, don't get all smart mouthed on me." I explained why Matsuri should stop practicing her lines on me,
"If you want to practice why don't you just join the play at the school festival this weekend? You know? Instead of practicing on me? It's not too late to sign up. It's only Tuesday. The play is on Sunday isn't it? If I recall correctly then your memorization skills can definitely handle a play that's only a few days away."
"You idiot, of course I can. I just choose not to." Matsuri has a fear of mostly I guess you could say interaction but thanks to her great acting skills she can handle it. I'm probably the one that's slightly at fault for her fear of interaction though.
"You're still not over it?" I asked her hoping that I could be wrong about the way she answered but it turns out I was right about the way she would answer.
"Don't get me wrong...I'm way over it...I just have slight stage fright...but if I'm on stage with you Hiromi, then I know I'll be alright..."
"Huh?" I pretended not to hear just to see if she'd say it again.
"I said...I'm not repeating myself..." Don't worry I heard what you said Matsuri but I don't think I'm ever going back up on stage ever again. After all, it's for the best.
"Oh yeah, Matsuri, the day after tomorrow, after school come with me to visit Chinatsu's grave. I was afraid you'd forget." Chinatsu is my pet dog that died 6 years ago. She was an extremely loyal and healthy dog but unfortunately she developed Gastritis after 3 weeks of being separated from Matsuri and I while living with Itachi.
"Stupid, I'd never forget. We were the cause of it weren't we? So I'll be there...definitely."
"*Yawn* Man girls talk a lot. Well I'm just glad I didn't have to hear squealing from you at all today Matsuri. I swear, you always get the most talkative, weird, stuck up and demented roles." Shikamaru woke up, scratched his head, got off the couch and joined us at the table. He grabbed my chopsticks and ate my leftover food before I could even utter a word. He then went after Matsuri's leftover food but failed miserably when he realized that Matsuri was already chugging down her food. He then dropped my chopsticks and faced Matsuri as he spoke with certainty in his eyes,
"Wow, well that's certainly lady-like. In fact, it was so lady-like that I've already lost my appetite. G'night." Shikamaru walked away slowly and went off into his dark room.
"I wonder what's in his room? Ne Matsuri?" He's really weird...ack! My food...aww man...
"Don't know, don't care, now lets clean up and get to bed. You can sleep in my room again. We've got a long day ahead of us." Matsuri grabbed the bowls and cups while I grabbed the chopsticks and napkins and replied,
"Hnnn." After that we went off to bed, well Matsuri did anyway. I stayed up most of the time staring at the stars.

The Story Of Our Lives: Started with them (Naruto Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora