Quidditch, Christmas and the malfoys

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                                        ~•~As November came the air carried a cooler chill and the feel of ice hung in the air

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As November came the air carried a cooler chill and the feel of ice hung in the air. The beautiful mountains surrounding the school had changed from their usual dull grey to a pure snowy white and the lake had frozen looking as hard and shiny as the eyes of a serpent. Every morning the ground seemed to crunch beneath my feet with the new sparkle of the frost. Hagrid could be seen clumsily defrosting the brooms on the quidditch pitch, his hands large and funny looking around the broom. Bundled in his exsessively cheap, long moleskin overcoat, rabbit fur gloves and enormous beaver skin boots. If he wasn't such a large brute of a wizard and without his half giant heretidge being taken into account you'd assume he bought it cheap from the market stalls in knockturn alley where they sold all sorts of cheap skin coats, some even illegally made from the skins of Unicorns and Dragons. However it was clear he'd most likely made such warmth's and comforts by hand.

He was too much a kind soul to even want to buy from anything in knockturn alley unless it were a magical creature being traded upon the black market.

The quidditch season had finally begun. I'd very much loved to have been up there racing about going against my mothers wishes and being unladylike. However first years weren't allowed to fly about upon our brooms, simply because most students were muggle borns or half bloods who'd never so much as seen as broom let alone trying to fly in a match. Except for my friend Harry whom of course was an exception to the rules and was in fact going to be playing against slytherin. The Slytherin team were a rough brutish lot, mostly male and mostly large muscle heads who bullied the younger years except from if they were of Pureblood entitlement like myself.

I couldn't help but feel anxious for Harry, against these brutes even my cousin Wood was vulnerable. I knew little of my cousin, his mother was disowned from the bloodline as soon as she married a muggle. I couldn't help but wish I'd known my family, my grandparents had died when I was an infant and my father was too much of a purist to even want to interact with his estranged sister. I'm unsure if Wood even knew I was his cousin but perhaps Harry had mentioned it during the various secret practices.

After gathering some books from the library I decide to enter the icy courtyard where my friends were waiting. I pass by Snape scolding Harry and shoot the trio a quick smile. Before approaching Theordore and another girl I didn't quite recognise speaking.

"Oh hello, I'm Yaxley, Y/N Yaxley." I smile holding out my hand to greet the stranger. She had long straight blond hair and soft blue eyes. I recognised her from the library she seemed shy and I usually saw her with Tracey and sometimes Millicent.

"Oh Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass." She smiles, it was a gentle kind smile. She was a Slytherin also but her demeanour was a strange one she seemed like an open book but there was a certain mystery about her.

"Now were aquatinted, I heard a first year is on the Gryffindor team." She says looking between Theodore and I.

                        "Yes actually it's-." I begin to say before being cut off by none other than Malfoy.

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