Chapter 7

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Hey just so no one is confused this entire chapter is Mikayla's back story so you can get to know a little bit more about her.


Mikayla's P.O.V.

Mason and I had been together officially for about a month and it was amazing. He is hands down one of the sweetest guys I've ever been with, granted I've only had 3 other boyfriends. The wedding is also creeping up on us, we planned a summer wedding in Italy. We're going to fly out there soon to decide on a venue and so I can meet his family. The only thing that I'm worried about is my family. Mason has asked about them a few times and I usually just change the subject or pretend I couldnt hear him. I know eventually he will want to know about them. But my past is honestly tramautizing for me to revisit.

I'm originally from New York, and when I was six years old both of my parents and my younger brother died in a car accident. It was my last day of first grade and they were coming to get me early, but they were t-boned by a driver on the wrong side of the road. That was the worst day of my life I wasn't able to go home I had to stay in a home by child protective services, it was cold and dark. I wasn't ready to lose my parents at such a young age. The next day I was sent to live with my maternal grandmother, because I had no other family. She wavery depressed after she heard the news but she tried her hardest to take care of me. Unfortunately she had a heart attack and passed away when I was eight.

I was devastated, I felt like God didn't want me to have anyone to love me, I lost everyone that mattered to me. After my grandma's death I was sent to a group home. That was the worst experience I had out of all though the people there didn't care about us at all some days they wouldn't even feed us. Luckily when I was eleven I got adopted by a wonderful family. They're names are Susan and Matthew Fisher and they had a son named Alexander, who was only 2 years older than me, they were one of those white picket fence families. It was weird at first because they're white and I'm black but they loved me and always told me that I was God's blessing to their family. I loved them with all my heart for saving me from that place and I strongly believed that I had a second chance at a family with them. Alex was my bestfriend, he would always give me advice on my friendships and relationships. I eventually started calling Susan and Matthew mom and dad. They would also take me to se my parents, brother, and grandmother on the anniversary of their deaths and let me talk to them.

They saved my life and helped me feel like I was somewhat normal. We never fought until I met my last boyfriend, Damien, he was the absolute worst thing to happen to me. He's the reason I live out in L.A., we intially moved here together because we were "in love". My parents tried to warn me about him but I refused to listen I truly believed that I could turn the bad boy good. Boy was I wrong, if anything he changed me. I was such a bother to live with during that time, I had dropped my college courses, got a bunch of piercings, and just became an overall nasty person. It got so bad that Alex came to visit me at school just so he could beat Damien up. When I confronted him about it he gave me this drained look that I could never forget and only said, "I can't believe you Mikayla, I'm so dissapointed." It was so painful to hear him say that I always strived to make him proud and he never called me by my whole name ever it was always some cute little pet name.

I couldn't deal with the dissapointment from him and our parents, so I decided to start fresh with Damien. I refused to answer any call or messages they sent me so they eventually stopped. Everything was going great with us until my senior year. He had already finished college and had a 9-5 job. Or so I thought. It turned out that Damien was bad news just like my parents told me, he sold drugs to make a living. When I found out about his "career" we had more arguments than I could count, but I eventually got over it. Months later after my graduation he did something I could never forgive him for, he cheated on me. He led me to believe the girl was his cousin when I first saw her hanging out in our apartment, which was nearly a year before I caught him. When I caught him I was livid and I didn't bother listening to his half assed excuses I just packed my belongings and left. I was ashamed that I chose him over my family and I was far to embarrased to reach out to my parents for help.

I was just riding around on the bus crying with my bags of clothes, I felt as if my life was over I abandoned my family for a loser, there was no way I could stay in that apartment anymore but I had no other place to go. I didn't have any close friends and I couldn't afford to stay at a hotel even for the night.

"Mikayla, is that you" I heard a soft voice say.

I looked up and saw a girl from my calculus class, her name was Elizabeth I think, she was the smartest one in the class and we would ususally go to her if we needed help with any work. But I didn't want her to see my like this crying on the bus with all my belongings in trash bags.

I timidly raised my head and sniffled, "Yeah, um how are you." I didn't know her well and based on her reaction she probably thinks I'm homeless or something.

"I think I should be asking you that," she sat down next to me and asked, "what's going on."

I don't know why I told her but I just needed someone to listen to me and hear what I've been going through and maybe give me some comfort. I couldn't even get halfway through the story without breaking down in tears. She hugged me as I told her the rest of my sad life and then suddenly jumped up, "Well here's my stop."

I was slightly hurt that she would leave me in this state, I guess she was just talking to me out of pity beut she suprised me when she took my bag and asked, "Are you coming or what?"

I had nowhere else to go and no one to turn to so I just followed her to wherever she was taking me. We ended up at what I'm guessing is her apartment, "Whay are we doing here" I asked.

"Well I'm in need of a roomate and you need somewhere to live, unless you were planning on staying at the homeless shelter."

"Elizabeth this is too much thank you so much, when do I owe you rent."

"Don't worry about that right now lets just get you settled in."

Ever since that day we've been the best of friends practically sisters, she helped me in one of the hardest time of my life and I will forever be thankful for that. Unfortunately she moved to Miami two years ago with her husband and we barely get to see each other only on holidays. It still hurts that I haven't seen or talked to my adoptive family in years but I just don't think I'll ever be able to face them again even for Mason's sake.


Hope you liked it sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes!

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