Chapter 2

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I'm sitting in between the passed-out wolf and the annoying boy who won't stop shaking his right leg. It seems everyone the other three doesn't realise I'm still awake and listening to their discussion while my eyes are close.

"Who do you think she is or what she is because that dropped, she made isn't exactly human" Hope ask.

"I don't know, all I know is that she has a powerful aura around her, I'm surprise you haven't felt it" Alaric said.

"Oh, I noticed alright. Even now when she's asleep I can feel it rolling off of her but my wolf for some reason isn't worried at all." Hope replied.

"Um... excuse me but I want to know what going on here" the annoying boy asked.

"How do you two know each other?" Alaric asked Hope while completely ignoring the question.

Oh, I know this story as I was there watching it happen and when Elijah met me after dropping off Hope to the Salvatore School.


I was sitting on the bench when I felt his presence before he could have the chance to say anything, I said, "Hello Elijah, it's lovely to meet the infamous noble brother of the famous evil misunderstood hybrid himself" without turning around to look at him, which caused him to pause his steps towards me for a second before continuing to sit down next to me.

"Hello, I would like to return the favour, but I don't know who you are and what you are to begin with, but I do know that you have been following me all day." He replied.

"Well, I'm Mackenzie Romano and the only one who can remove that foul soul in your niece's body after all." I replied smirking finally looking him in the eye and I can see that he was shocked at the revelations before he went back to the stoic expression.

"What and how do you know about it!?" He asked urgently and deadly serious.

"Well it's simple really. I can sense it eating away at her if you don't hurry up and get it out of her, she will die." I said my expression turning from playful to deadly serious in a span of seconds.

End of Flashback

I tuned back into the conversation to catch Landon anxiously saying, "Peanut butter Blast, Whipped Cream on the bottom and we danced once." causing Hope to chuckle out a laugh.

"We tried and then you moved away." Hope replied.

"Then you made a door blow off its hinges with your brain. Do you feel like explaining that? Or how about how did this person next to me survived without breaking her legs from that dropped?" Landon said confused.

"Oh, we'll explain everything. We're almost there." Alaric replied before Hope does.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewher- "

I cut off Alaric by saying. "Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted" causing the three people to jump out of shock not expecting me to be awake. "By the way you're a creeper having memorised her drink when you haven't even seen or talked to her for the last two years." I said with a bored tone, my eyes still close.

"And would you stop shaking your legs, you are starting to annoy me and let me tell you, you don't want me annoyed!" I said irritated before finally opening my eyes only for it to flash bright red causing him to yelp and stopped shaking his legs.

For the rest of the trip he was quiet while the other two tried to subtlety sneak glances at me causing me to smirk and closed my eyes again.

Time skip

They arrived at the Salvatore School a few hours after the first class started. The truck skidded off to a stop, without opening my eyes, I heard and sense two people walking to where we stopped. Alaric, Hope, Landon and Rafael got out of the truck except for me.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School. We're your tour guides."

"I'm Josie"

"I'm Lizzie"



"Fraternal obvs"

"Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Landon?" Alaric said.

"Hey Dad, who's the person still in the car?" one of the twins asked.

"We don't know that's why we are going to be having a discussion in my office for a while" Alaric said while sighing tiredly.

That was when I chose to get out of the car while fixing my wavy hair, I hear gasp which causes me to look up to see everyone is looking at me which I promptly ignored and walked up to Hope.

The twins decided to carry on with their tour, started walking away while holding each of Rafael's arms. Oh, I feel sorry for him. I think while trying to keep my expression nonchalant while in my head I'm snickering.

"Morning Hope"

"Morning girls"

"More like despair" the blonde one said not trying to be quiet causing the brunette to chuckle a laugh.

"I heard that" Hope replied irritated.

"No, you didn't" the brunette replied.

"Didn't have to" Hope said.

"Everyone, behave." Alaric said cutting off the bickering.

"Love you, Dad" the twins replied in unison as they led Rafael away.

Alaric sighed, looking at back at us. "So, let's get started, shall we?"

"Actually, I need to talk to Hope first in private." I stated instead of asking looking at Hope with a serious face.

"No, whatever you have to say to Hope, you can tell her in my office where we are heading right now." Alaric said commandingly, which irritates me because I didn't let anyone command me to do anything for my whole life and I'm not about to start now.

"I'm not asking for your permission." I replied looking at him deadly in the eyes, while my aura flares off dangerously before I start walking off.

I didn't have to wait that long when I heard hurried footsteps trying to catch up to me while I continue walking until we reach an unfinished cabin.

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