Chapter 19

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Taehyung's POV
Today we are finally going to Korea, it's baekhyun's birthday next week, and my mom already called last night saying I should come. Well she doesn't know about the twins,unless she'll probably freak out and tell me I'm a disgrace to the family.
She probably just wants me to come because she wants to brag about baekhyun, she thinks I'm a mess now and can't take of myself
"Mama I want to take fuzzy with me" Hanuel said pointing to his plushie
" ok baby, let me put it in your suitcase" I said smiling at him watching him run to the living room to continue watching peppa pig
      Our flight is in the night so we still have time to prepare for our flight, I quickly start putting their clothes and toys with other necessities in their suitcase before  moving on to mine
    "Ok guys time to take a bath" I shouted
" mama, I don't to" ara said giving me puppy eyes "no,that won't work one me, don't you want to see uncle yoonie and Minnie"
" ok mama, I'm coming"
      After they took their bath I picked out their clothes and got them ready for the flight
    My driver drove us to the air port  and we had to wait a while before we were ready to board the plane.
" mama I'm scared" hanuel cried " don't worry baby I said holding his hands, and also holding ara's hands for the take off
       We got to Korea in the afternoon, we all slept a little in the plane, but I knew it wasn't enough.
" hey guys" jimin called  "hey uncle Minnie"  the twins both said.
     " who's your favorite uncle"he said kissing them on their cheeks "you uncle minnie" they both shouted
  " hey jimin" I said " hey tae" jimin said hugging me tightly and I knew he was about to get emotional again " yah, jimin it's ok, don't worry I will never leave you again" I said while he just nodded smiling again at the kids before leading us to his car
     The car ride basically consisted of us jamming to Bang Bang Bang by was chaotic but we loved it
    We got to jimin's house and he gave us a house tour showing us our rooms, we ordered food from Panda Express and later I tucked the kids in bed because they were tired
"Jimin, I have to go to baekhyun's party next week" I said " yah, Taehyung don't go you know how your family is , and they don't even know about the twins" jimin said " jimin I know but they are my parents and no matter what they still have to see their grandchildren,you and Yoongi can come if you want" I explained hoping he would understand "ok but we have to dye our hair and get clothes, we have to show them that you are not the naive guy the saw 5 years ago" jimin said with a determined expression " ok jimin" I laughed hugging him


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