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I really love this story so I hope you enjoy the first chapter <3 Italics in this story means it's one of (Y/N)'s memories.


The soft swaying and creaking beneath (Y/N) pulled her from her restless slumber. She blinked once, twice, and abruptly sat up. A loud "smack" resonated through the room as her head collided with the ceiling. "Shit!"

She reeled back against the pillow then slowly peeked over the edge of her bed. This wasn't her room. She sat up slower this time, ducking to climb down the ladder of the metal bunk bed. Where was she? Eyes glazing over the unknown room she found her head foggy. "Why can't I remember anything?"

She knew her name of course, but everything else was blank. How had she gotten here? What was her life before? Though she knew this wasn't her bedroom the air around her felt familiar. Her vision blurred and her legs trembled. Grabbing the metal frame beside her for support (Y/N) pulled herself up onto the cushion and dropped her head into her hands.

Gathering her empty thoughts, (Y/N) raised her head and rescanned the room. (Y/N) hummed and stood up. One of the odd things in the room was the door squished between the two beds.

A big iron door with a huge red eight painted in red. Next to it a device resembling a card reader. Raising her left hand to toy with the lever on it she noticed the abnormal weight to her hand. "Huh?"

Her voice sounded so quiet alone but she brushed it off more concerned with the device clasped around her wrist. Resembling a bulky wristwatch it displayed a digital eight. Sliding her free hand underneath it she attempted to take it off. "What?!"

She flipped her arm over discovering the watch-like device wasn't removable. "Well, fuck..."

She whispered, slipping her hands into her hoodie pockets. Stepping back to the iron door she gave it a small tug. That was when she heard what sounded like water lapping at a wall. (Y/N) stumbled to one of the walls in the room pressing her ear against it. There it was again, the rush of water. Was she on a boat?

Taking a deep breath she pushed herself off the wall and turned back to the device by the door. If there was a card reader there had to be some way to get out of here. She hadn't noticed it in her state of panic but a blue suitcase sat on the bed to her right.

(Y/N) crouched down by the bed examining the oddly placed suitcase. A keyhole and a place for a four-digit code. She turned again pulling back the sheets of the bottom bunk behind her and lifting the pillow, beneath it was a slip of paper. Creased down the middle it split a blue and red line with triangles and squares.

A sink by the end of the bedpost caught (Y/N)'s attention. In particular, a picture frame resting on a shelf above it. Inside the wooden picture frame was a boat that reminded her of the Titanic. So she was on a boat. Flipping over the frame she found four screws on the back, perhaps removing them would be useful. Above the shelf, a bulletin board pinned a matching note to the one from earlier. She pocketed it.

The screwdriver needed to open the picture frame was located soon after in the stove. Searching the kettle atop the stove (Y/N) also located a blue key. "Too small for a door..."

Her eyes drifted to the blue suitcase. Twisting the key in the look proved useless. Again she twisted it but nothing. Heaving a sigh she remembered the picture frame. Finally having the screwdriver, she opened the back to find numbers next to several triangles and squares, some filled in, some not.

Before she knew it, her hand dug into her pocket for the slips of paper. Something about this seemed familiar: her body was moving by muscle memory. Lining them up by the crease she typed in the code to the blue suitcase. With another twist of the key, it popped open revealing a red file and some blue numbered cards. The red file explained how digital roots worked and gifted her a calculator. "What do I need to know any of this for?"

VIII (Aoi Kurashiki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now