A few months later...

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Willy and I were still dating, and we were falling more in love with each other every day. I was practically a regular at the chocolate factory, and I even started to understand the language of the Oompa-Loompas. They would get so excited whenever I would come over. When Willy would be in his office going over paperwork, I would play catch using gum balls with the Oompa-Loompas. We had fun times together. The factory was starting to become my new home away from home. 
Dad got a better job at the toothpaste factory, and we were able to fix the whole in the roof, Grandpa Joe's health was improving, and Grandma Georgina was doing better mentally. Willy also offered me a job at the factory, which I gladly accepted because I was able to spend more time with him. I would be his assistant. Things were looking up for everyone!
Sadly, Willy became stuck in a creative rut and his new candy wasn't selling very well. I tried my hardest to help him. Maybe his traumatic memories were causing the rut.
The next day, I went to Charlie's shoe shining job he would go to after school. There was a man waiting to get his shoe shined, and he was holding a newspaper so high up that his face was hidden behind the paper. I could see the top hat through the paper and the silver cuff links on his sleeve. I smiled, knowing it was Willy. Charlie began to shine his shoes. "Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell, er, Walter." "Willy Wonka." Charlie said concentrating on his work. "That's the one. Says here in the paper his new candies aren't selling very well. But I suppose maybe he's just a rotten egg who deserves it." Willy said. "Yep." Charlie replied. "I wouldn't know about that." I said with a smile. "Oh really, you ever met him?" Willy asked, still hiding behind the newspaper. Charlie stopped shining his shoes, "I did. I thought he was great at first, but then he didn't turn out so nice, but he's in love with my sister, and I'm glad he's happy with her. He also has a funny haircut." "I do not!" Willy put down the newspaper sharply, he was wearing normal sunglasses instead of goggles. I giggled, "It suits you, darling." I patted his hand reassuringly.
"Why are you here?" My brother asked. "I don't feel so hot. What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?" asked Willy. I kissed him on the cheek and that made him smile and blush, "Ok, I feel a little better now, but I still don't feel too hot." "My family." replied Charlie. "Ew." Willy said disgusted. "What do you have against my family?" asked Charlie sharply. "It's not just your family, it's the whole idea of-" he was making noises like he was about to be sick again.
"They're always telling you what to do and what not to do, and what not to do. It's not conducive in a creative atmosphere." he said. I just looked at him sadly, since I knew the full story. I touched his hand and he held mine. "Usually, they're just trying to protect you because they love you." my brother told him. For a boy of nine years old, he was wise. "Like I love you." I told Willy. He smiled at me sweetly, but then he looked like he was going to be sick again. I stroked his hand to calm him down. "If you don't believe us, you should go ask." "Ask who? My father." he scoffed. "No way." he paused for a while. "At least not by myself." "Do you want us to go with you?" my brother asked. Willy had an adorable grin, "Hey, what a good idea. Yeah!" He immediately got up and started walking to the glass elevator. "And you know what? I've got-" he smacked right into the wall of the elevator again, and I helped him up. "Be more careful where I park this thing." We walked into the elevator and took off in flight. I held Willy's hand the whole way there. He calmed down a little, but I could tell he was still nervous. Charlie and I were reassuring him that it would be alright.
It was snowing by the time we arrived at Dr. Wonka's house. Willy, Charlie, and I trudged through the snow to get to the front steps. "I think we got the wrong house." Willy said anxiously, but we clearly were at the right house. A bronze plaque labeled "Dr. Wilbur Wonka, DDS Dental Practitioner," stared back at us. Charlie rang the doorbell and the door opened to reveal an old man. He was wearing a doctor's coat and had rubber gloves on. "Do you have an appointment?" he asked. "No, but he's overdue." said Charlie.

Willy was in the dentist's chair for a check-up. "Open." I heard Dr. Wonka tell him. Willy obeyed uncomfortably; Charlie and I sat in chairs waiting for Willy. Just then, we noticed lots of newspaper articles and memorabilia from Willy and his chocolate factory. Charlie and I got up from our chairs to look. I looked at the love of my life tenderly; he didn't realize how much his father actually cared and loved him. I fell in love with this wonderful man, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Furthermore, I hoped I had helped him realize just how much he's loved.
"I haven't seen bicuspids like these since..." I heard Dr. Wonka say. "Willy?" "Hi Dad." Willy said. I saw Dr. Wonka fight back tears, "All these years, and you haven't flossed." Willy shook his head, "Not once." They awkwardly shared a hug. Charlie and I smiled at them.
"Thank you for reuniting me and my son." Dr. Wonka hugged me and my brother. "You're welcome." Charlie said with a smile. Willy was still sitting on the chair, and he had a smile on his face. I walked over to him and hugged him. He held me in his arms for what seemed like an eternity. I looked at him as he touched my face, and then he kissed me lovingly. "It seems I have missed a lot these past few years." Dr. Wonka said, amused. Willy and I stopped the kiss, but he still held me in his arms. "I fell in love with the most amazing girl in the whole universe." said Willy. His violet eyes were full of love for me. I kissed him on the cheek. "I love your son so much, Dr. Wonka. He makes me so happy, and he makes life an adventure." I looked at Willy. "I'm the luckiest girl in the world." "I'm so glad you've found each other. Thank you for making my boy so happy." his father said. "Call me Wilbur." he added, giving me a hug. I smiled at all the men in the room: Charlie who will always be my best friend in the whole world, Wilbur for being so accepting of my relationship with Willy, and last but never least my love, Willy Wonka, the love of my life. Charlie smiled at me and Willy. "Mr. Wonka, don't you want to tell Jane something?" Willy smiled excitedly, "I almost forgot." "Tell me what?" I asked confused. What did Charlie know?
"Jane, these past few months have been the best months of my entire life. You are the most beautiful, kind, and amazing person I've ever known." he held my hands. "You mean the world to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." suddenly he got down on one knee, and he pulled a velvet box out of his coat pocket. He opened the box and I saw the most beautiful amethyst ring I've ever seen! He was proposing!! "Jane Ann Bucket, will you make me the happiest man in the world and do me the honor of marrying me?" My vision blurred with my tears, and my heart was bursting with happiness. I nodded enthusiastically, "Yes! A trillion times yes!" Charlie and Wilbur started clapping as Willy put the ring on my finger. He got up from the ground and kissed me! I was going to be his wife. I guess Charlie knew he was going to propose to me, and this was one surprise in my life that I loved! 

"Congratulations to the both of you," Wilbur commended with a proud smile. "Yes, congratulations." Charlie cheered excitedly.

Willy also brought up the offer to Charlie again, and he accepted on one condition: After Willy and I were married, the rest of the family could come live with us. Since he was marrying into our family, he agreed with Charlie's condition. His view on families had finally changed.

Now we had a wedding to plan.

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