Hoping This Cold Blue Water Scrubs Me Clean And Spits Me Out Again | L.S. |

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Title: Hoping This Cold Blue Water Scrubs Me Clean And Spits Me Out Again | L.S. |

Author: peachminh

Chapters: 29

Completion Status: Completed

Warnings Mentioned: None

Summary: Since I love the Brain Cancer fanfic so much and I decided to bring it here on wattpad to share it with all of you beautiful people, because this fanfic is so good, I cried when I first read it and I hope you like it as much as I do. A story by phantasmcgoria on Ao3.

My Opinion: Yes! Yes! Yes! This is the one. It's the heartbreak that makes me feel everything and nothing. I'm not normally a cryer so it was no surprise that I didn't cry. Not from lack of emotion, but this fic made me feel almost too much to the point where I didn't want to feel anything. After reading this fic I honestly felt numb. Didn't want to cry or anything.

Do I recommend it? HELL TO THE YES! Loved it on so many different levels. Heartbreaking but one of my favorites. 

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