Chapter 25

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Watching Omara suffer in silence and pain was a huge turn on. Hearing her cries of pain and seeing Jack ripping her apart was mildly entertaining. But I couldn't help but admire her strength and I could see that I couldn't break that beautiful spirit of hers.
Not if I can help it. I thought to myself.

"ENOUGH"! I shouted.

Jack came at a complete halt. I had a unwelcomed and unpleasant visitor in my midst.
"Well hello, dear brother." Without even looking I knew exactly who it was.
Fucking Michael.
"You're no brother of mine. You've really done it this time, Lucifer. You just don't care about the things that you've caused and the pain you've put father through." He said
I rolled my eyes at this sensitive comment. As if father feels pain.
"What do you want?" I asked feeling impatient
"Father has summoned you."

Of course he has. I thought to myself. I stood up and faced my brother.

"What could he possibly want?" I asked

"Why don't you come and find out?"

My brother always loved to taunt me and he knew that I was short tempered. He always baited me just so he can kick my ass or have a reason to kill me with probable cause.

"Fine I will see what the hell father wants. Jack don't harm Omara while I'm gone cause if you do I will put you down without a second thought. Understand?"
I looked over my shoulder and he send me a nod.
"Good. Well brother let's get going."

I followed behind Michael and I was genuinely curious on why my father has summoned me. Knowing him he's probably going to reprimand me for the things I've done but I know it's more to it. I know he's been watching the dirty things I've caused. But if it's my death, well I'll accept it once the world comes to an end.

"You still have your wings brother?" Asked Michael.
"Of course."
We flew to our destination even though it took ten minutes to get there. Heaven.

The golden gates that stood like a giant and souls were lined up on the other side of the gate awaiting their verdict. I walked towards the entrance but I didn't dare touch the gates. I knew I would die a painful death if I touched the gate without the blessing of an archangel.
Michael always pulls this childish shit, knowing I can't touch it. I thought.
"Problem?" He asked
"Cut the shit Michael and open the fucking gate." I said.
I felt the heat of his blade.
"Language brother. Don't want to cut off your head in a haste." He said.
I stood tall and didn't bother to cower from the blade close to my neck.
He removed his blade and pulled me behind him to open the gate. I waltzed right through the gate and there I saw every God known to man in heaven.
What does the old man have up his sleeve?
This wasn't like him. He's plotting and whatever it is he had to summon me for it.  I stood in the middle of the entrance with all the gods there.
With only a second, my father came and there he stood. Looking at me, filling my bones with conviction and pain. But I didn't bother to entertain it much longer.

"I know you're all wondering why I've summoned you all here. But let me tell you this, you all have played an interesting part on earth. You've allowed man to worship you as if you're the one true GOD. You've stolen the very souls of man knowing that I have given them free will. Yet you all have the audacity to claim yourself as ME. So I want you all to fight me one on one. Let's settle this all right here and right now. Whoever can defeat me will take all of Heaven and reign over the earth and every planet that you can possibly imagine. Everything on earth and in heaven will belong to you. That's if you can defeat me."

He directed that last comment to me. I was filled with anger and rage because he brought me here to be challenged. None of these Gods stand a chance against father, even I know not to go against him. But yet, he is baiting me knowing that I would do anything to take everything that he owns. As much as I want to leave I can't unless I'm given permission. The fucking irony.

The gods were shocked but they quickly changed their expressions. The first person to attack was Anubis. He turned into ash.
The second person was Zeus.  He was losing terribly.
"The same power that your people has given you I will take away. "
My father lifted his arms and electrocuted Zeus right where he stood.
Every God attacked my father but he killed them without mercy. I've never seen father fight but to see him in action had me trembling in fear. All the Gods died and it was only three of us left.

"So, which one of you want to fight me?" He asked.

The two gods bowed before my father and denounced their title as Gods. He respected their choice and stripped them of their power and stripped them of their title. They were turned into humans and were sent to live the rest of days on earth until they die.

The way he said my name struck at my core. I stood and didn't move. I looked at him and every part of me was angry and irritated. He was sending me a message and this is how he wanted me to get it.

"Are you going to attack me or are you afraid on what I'm going to do?" He asked.

"You know I'm afraid of not meeting up to your expectations and you know I wouldn't fight you head on." I replied honestly.

"You understand why I've summoned you?" He asked

"Enlighten me."
He chuckled.

"You have caused problems. Problems that has gone unpunished long enough. You have caused heinous crimes amongst my creation of man and earth because of your selfishness and childish jealousy. I'm beyond tired of it. I let you leave Heaven on your own accord yet you spit in my face time and time again. So now, we're going to set up a wager. If Lily happens to end the world you will die by my hands and if she doesn't, I will lock you away where your faithful and loyal demons won't ever find you. Deal?"

"Deal. Just know father, I don't like to lose."
"Neither do I, Boy."

I walked away from him and allowed Michael to open the gate. I went back to my domain and their I saw Omara. My blood was boiling and I knew I could use her to my advantage.

I stalked to the cage that I kept her in with jack. I opened it up and pulled her by her hair. I looked her dead in the eyes.
" I have a proposition for you sweetheart and you have no choice."
Let the games begin

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