When the Reporter travels to Anima City {Edited}

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  The water glistened below the white surface of the rushing object. It's sun reflected against it, giving a blinding light into my brown-honey eyes. I blocked my eyes with my left hand from the blazing, hot sun. Trying to revert them to the buildings in the distance, my face neutral as always. ..Anima city
Stretching my arm out, my free hand reaching, as far as it could, towards the city of beast men. ..A place of unity........a joke.
  My open hand clenched slightly. " Ms. Furuya ", a calm yet gentlemen, voice called out. I pulled my hands back down, letting them rest by either side of my black slacks.  My eyes took one last glance at the city, till turning to see the tall-slicked black haired man. Similar to my black jacket over my white button up. His tuxedo was neatly worn with a little black tie, which gave him a butler look. His expression was kind, like any other gentlemen, I met.
  'What is it?', I questioned.

  "Pardon for interrupting, but we will be arriving very soon Ma'dam. Should I get your luggage ready?", the genuine man asked.

  "You may", I gave a nod and glanced back to the view.
  I could hear his footsteps, walk further and further away. However, the white yacht grew closer and closer to Anima city. Where my new life would begin, I couldn't say I was enthusiastic about it.  
  When we arrived, the young gentlemen handed me my luggage. Once handed, I just turned and walked away without saying another word. It was rather what everyone did, with such a high status. He was a butler, while I'm of higher class. It was only right to know your place in this world. ..I didn't have much time to take in, the moment of being in Anima City. I was in a tight schedule, I had to make it to city council. I was planning on turning in early, due to my long trip. I waved a taxi, hoping they didn't change it. Luckily, they didn't. I entered the yellow checkered vehicle.
  A rough voice, which sounded they needed to clear their throat, spoke in haste. "Where to little lady?"

  "City Council", I replied. My fingers couldn't help, but tap my luggage lightly.
  I couldn't see the taxi driver in the front, a bit unsettling but..I didn't have time to wave another taxi driver down. It would be night soon, and I would rather register early in becoming a citizen. I impatiently looked out the window. Buildings were the same as in the human world. However, it seemed humans talked in sidewalks with ease. I couldn't help but wonder, where were all the beastmen? The taxi driver broke the silence, with a ear-blasting cough. Turning my attention, towards the front. Once given my attention, he spoke. "What's a girl like yourself heading to a city like this"
  I didn't hesitate to respond, "I'm a reporter, just got promoted". ..Was this a beastmen..? I couldn't see what the man looked like. There was a division between him and I. However, there was a sliding mini window infront of me. Though, I second-guessed opening it.
  The taxi driver spoke once again, his roughness strained when trying to congratulate me. "Ah ..congratulations! May I ask which news station..?"

  Was this man just being nice..or too nice? ..I wondered, to the point, when I hesitated to answer. Lost in my thoughts, thinking of many scenarios of stories of how this would go wrong.
  My eyes looked from the window to the door handle, my hand slowly moving towards it. Till suddenly, the sliding window that kept me and the driver from seeing each other, opened. I quickly put myself in a stance of where I would look comfortable. My elbow placed on the arm-rest of the door, having my chin lay on top of my hand. 'Casually' looking out the window. Make myself look carelessly in a daze, to lessen suspicion. I planned to revert my eyes towards the open window. Glancing at the taxi driver, with a small surprised smile.
  "Oh sorry, I must have doze off. It is a lovely city to look at, don't you think?", my free hand pulled a loose strand of hair, behind my ear. Keeping my fake smile..
  My eyes kept toward the taxi driver. Identifying key components to his look, as if something were to happen. ..A cabby hat was worn, but was carefully pulled back to hide his own hair. The viewing mirror at the top of the drivers window, gave away his light green eyes. We made eye contact, but it seemed to have frighten him. His eyes had slightly widen, before adjusting his hat downward. Covering his eyes, and revealing the back of his hair. Black colored hair. It was written all over him, he was clearly up to something.
  When I thought there would be silence once more. The male cleared his throat again, but more considerate. "It's quite a remarkable city....so which station do you have the respect of working for..? I'm sure you have a great view of this city"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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