Niato Tinata - Introduction

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My name is Niato.

Niato Tinata.

I am just your average 15 year old boy.

I have a boyfriend,a job at GameGo,and a group of friends.

As a group, we all love danganronpa. My boyfriend, a english exchange student Adam Gabriel, doesnt know much about it.

We allways fantasize about being in the game and stopping our favorite characters from dying.

A brand new game came out that day. I was working and man came in to return a game.

It was a english version of Danganronpa V3....?

I stared at it,like it was calling my name.

My manager noticed.

"Hey TinTin! (Everyone loved calling me that) You checking out V3? Why dont you take it home as your free game of the month!" She said.

I nodded,excited to brag about it to my friends who probably wouldnt be able to get it the same day.

1hour later

I waved my manager off as I walked to my car proudly.

Earlier i found a USB that said "Danganronpa Hacks" inside the case. I made copy and handed it to my manager who also chose V3.

We agreed to Facetime while we used it.

I pulled up to my tiny house. My parents were still out of town so I had no computer limit.

I booted the game up and started the facetime .

We counted down as we were prepared to click play.




"Oops!" He had clicked play.

Clumsy Jiruto. I thought.

If he passed out the intro must have been good been good though.

Then the intro started weird.

It showed a green haired boy, opening what seemed to be a secret passage. Then with a flash , he laid dead.

I suddenly got annoyed. That usb is just full of spoilers.

I went to unplug it.

As I looked in my monitor I saw someone familiar behind me.

The man...

Then went my whole thought space went dark.

As my world did too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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