Bleeding Heart (Bloodlines)

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Chapter 1

Sonya Karp's hypnotic gaze focused on me, and I squirmed in my chair. I wasn't used to being the guinea pig for experiments. The intensity made me self-conscious. Sonya was trying this knew form of spirit magic, and considering the loss of her partner and test subjects, I was the only one able to help. 

Dimitri left days ago in order to secure a knew plan for Jill's security. That left Angela, who was making it a full time priority to keep Jill occupied. Eddie and Adrian...

I stopped myself before I could go there. I couldn't  bare to think of them without feeling sick to my stomach. 

"Are you ready Sydney?" Sonya's voice interrupted my thoughts. I took a breath and nodded. "Think of a memory. Just like I told you." Sonya instructed. I obeyed, closing my eyes and picturing Jill in my mind. Her fashion show so long ago. It was a pleasant memory, if short lived. I saw her smiling face and our friends that had gathered to watch her. Even Adrian came...

No. I couldn't think of him. My mind shifted, edging close to a far more dangerous memory and my stomach did a flip. 

No, Sonya, wait!

I tried to recall the fashion show, to wipe away the horror, but I was drifting and the nausea told me I was too late. It was too strong and Sonya's eyes had already glazed over, the spirit magic at work. I felt reality washing out, and an unseen force dragged me under deep into my own memory. Sonya told me this would happen. She warned me to not stray from the memory I chose or I would be stuck reliving whatever else came to my mind.

It was so strange how it all came to me so vividly. I felt everything. I knew that I was just trapped repeating exactly what had happened, for I couldn't change my actions no matter how hard I tried to command myself otherwise.

Sounds of battle rang out in my ears and a new picture painted itself before my eyes. The fight was almost over. I knew this was where things began to go horribly wrong. This is when my thoughts begin to take shape and my nightmare begins.

Finally, there was a blood curdling shriek as Eddie drove his stake through the first Strigoi's heart. His mate's red eyes flared with anger and she lunged at Eddie, her fangs bared. He dodged the attack with ease and pierced her back with the stake, though not enough to reach her heart, before she spun around and danced away from him. She rolled her shoulders back, as if to shake off the pain, and fixated her eyes on Eddie. I watched them face off, fearing for Eddie, all the while marveling at his grace and skill. He was light on his feet as he danced away from the Strigoi, maintaining as safe a distance as he could manage. In my opinion, there was no safe distance from these creature's of darkness. They weren't right. They weren't natural. They definitely weren't safe.

I saw Eddie's failed attempts at trying to shift the fight away from Jill. I had to do something. I couldn't leave her there. My head was spinning and my stomach churned as I attempted to stand. My legs refused to support my weight and I fell on all fours. There was only one way I knew how to save Jill and help Eddie. It had worked before and I prayed that it would work now. I scrambled to my purse.

Unlike last time, there was no heavy amulet waiting for me. It was just typical everyday things I used. Luckily, being an alchemist, there are some things included in that category that go above and beyond the word "typical". I pulled out a small vial from my things and tried to focus my eyes enough to identify it. Acid. Perfect. I loosened the cap ever so slightly and aimed at my target.

I was never the most athletic person in the world but I hoped that the distance between Eddie and the female Strigoi was enough to avoid disaster if I missed. At that moment, Jill pried her eyes away from Eddie and caught my eye. She suddenly realized what I was going to do and her eyes widened. I looked at her apologetically and then tried to look confident and firm. I'm pretty sure I failed miserably, but before Jill could react I swung my arm forward, flinging the vial toward the Strigoi.

My aim was pretty off, but with a stroke of luck, the Strigoi shifted and the vial struck her arm. There was a sizzling noise and the Strigoi spared a brief glance down. She hissed between her teeth and Eddie took the opportunity to rush at her. His speed was blinding and the stake nearly hit its mark. Nearly. The Strigoi avoided the full force of the blow, yet the stake sunk into her shoulder. She howled with rage. Her arm shot out and hit Eddie in the dead center of his torso.

Jill was frozen with shock, her eyes on Eddie. I desperately caught her eye and she understood. She was up in an instant and went off sprinting down the hall. The Strigoi was too distracted to notice. I breathed a sigh of relief and shrunk back, hoping I wouldn't be noticed. Eddie yanked the stake from the Strigoi's shoulder and jammed it into her chest. Her red eyes widened and she went limp. Eddie pulled the stake back, his eyes triumphant and the Strigoi dropped to the ground in a lifeless heap. His arm then slipped around himself and where he had been hit. He took a deep breath and shrugged. His eyes scanned the room.

I crawled forward and Eddie came running over to me. "My God, Sydney are you ok?" he asked. I nodded. "just a little dizzy," i mumbled. I tried to think clearly. "You should call someone." I suggested, my thoughts muddled. He nodded, but then hesitated. "Where's Jill?" he asked, his eyes scanning the room again with concern. I had almost forgotten about Jill. She ran off that way." I said, pointing to the hallway where she disappeared. Eddie paused and then reached into his pocket to get his phone.

A puzzled look crossed his face. "I don't have my phone..." he said, patting down his pockets to be sure. I forced myself to think. "Jill borrowed it earlier, right?" I asked. Understanding crossed his features. "She must still have it. I should go fi-" he was cut off as there was bang and the door came flying open. "Open" wasn't exactly the right word. The door came flying off of it's hinges and came crashing into the opposite wall, shattering into hundreds of tiny shards.That was when two Strigoi entered the room. "Strigoi." Eddie said in a dead tone, his face going completely blank.

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