We Belong Together (boyxboy) Chapter 1

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I sighed as my phone rang for what seemed like the 100th time that night. Each time it would be my ex calling me. I did not see why the heck he kept calling me. After I had caught him cheating on me with the school’s slut a week earlier I had broken up with him and told him to get the fuck out of my life, but he just kept calling me anyway.

After a few more unanswered calls, I shut off my phone and went to bed. However I had a hard time falling asleep. I could not stop thinking about my ex, Skyler, and why he would call me all the time. Even though I hated to admit it, I missed him terribly and especially at night. I missed the way we cuddled in bed the nights we had sleepovers together, or the way he would text me cute messages saying he missed me, or even call me just to say good night or hear my voice or tell me he loved me and hear me saying it back. It was hard to not be able to talk to him since my best friends were his best friends too.

When I finally fell asleep around four am, tears were still rolling silently down my cheeks even though I had managed to calm myself down a little. I wished I was over him, but the truth was that I did not love him any less at all. He had been an amazing boyfriend and never seemed to want to do anything that could fuck up our relationship. He seemed just as dedicated and committed to our relationship as I had been. I thought he loved me as much as I loved him and never had any doubts, but since he cheated with pretty much the worst person possible I guess I was wrong about him loving me.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ears. It was Friday and time for another day at school, which meant I was bound to run into Skyler, even though he was a year older than me and therefore not in any of my classes, unless he had decided to skip today. He had been gone the last couple days after our break up, claiming to people that he was sick even though I was guessing it somehow was related to our break up. I was not sure if it was shame, regret or the fear that I would somehow hurt him physically. I was not planning on hurting him though, I knew that would not solve anything but rather just make a bigger mess.

Skyler had always had many friends and been popular, while I had just been a victim of bullies with only a few friends. However, he had always refused to join them at bullying me and eventually made his friends stop. A while later he started telling people that he was gay and was forced to leave the group of popular people. Instead, he for some reason decided to join my little gang of outsiders and I came to realize how much of a nice person he truly was. I had noticed he was hot before, but not that he had an amazing personality to match.

A month later, everything had changed big time. He had confessed that he had a big crush on me, to my and everyone else’s surprise. From that day, we became a steady couple and both openly gay with each other. At least I thought he was, until I saw him with the school’s biggest slut almost a year later, during a make out session in one of the school halls. When he realized I had seen him, he tried to apologize and come with an explanation, but I would not let him. At the time I saw no other explanation than him cheating and just feeling bad/sorry about it because I caught him in act. I kind of regretted that I did not let him explain though, as I had realized it could be interesting to hear his excuse.

As I entered the school’s main building, I was hoping not to run into Skyler before classes started. However, after getting my books from my locker, I heard that unforgettable voice of his call my name. “Jake! Hey, wait up! Jake, please wait!” My real name was Jacoby but I never let anyone except my family and relatives call me that. Skyler had usually called me by pet names such as Coby, Cobies and even Coby-bear, though. I sighed at the memories his voice brought back and ignored him as I quickly walked into my homeroom, knowing he would not follow me in there.

Soon after, one of my friends, Kayden, entered the room. “You and Sky have to talk it out soon, you can’t go on ignoring him like this, especially when you’re both in the same gang of friends,” He told me with a sigh, obviously having watched me ignore Skyler as he called my name just a minute earlier.

“I know that! But I’m not ready to talk to him yet, ok? It hurts enough already, I don’t need myself to start a fight by punching him and fuck up my life completely,” I told him and could not stop a tear from escaping my left eye. I was kind of afraid to talk to him, because I was afraid I would lose control and do something I would regret, like slapping him or hitting him. However I was also afraid that I would end up kissing him out of the blue and have him push me off of him. That would hurt so much and I was hurting bad enough already from breaking up with him.

“Hey dude, let’s skip the first period. We can say we had a sleepover and overslept. C’mon, let’s go,” He said as he realized I was not up for school, and literally dragged me with him out of the school building, then further out of the gates and into the woods nearby.

“I’m gonna take you to that party tonight. And no protests,” Kayden told me with a small smile on his face as we sat down at some rocks.

“Why? I don’t feel like partying,” I replied with a confused look on my face.

“You need to get your minds off things, or even try to move on.” I knew what he said was true, but I did not want to move on. All I wanted was to go back in time and let Skyler explain to me why he cheated. If I would have, maybe he would be mine still? A part of me told me that there was no excuse for what I saw, while another told me he loved me too much to be able to cheat. I had no idea which voice to believe, as I somehow could not fully believe that he would cheat on me but there were very few other explanations for what I saw.

I and Kayden went back to school after the lunch break, a while later than we had originally planned, but I did in no way manage to focus or learn anything. All I could think of was Skyler and the party. Would Skyler be there? Would he bring the slut? Were they an item now? Did he still love me? Did he regret cheating? Did he want me back? My head was filled with questions and I had no clue on how to answer any of them.

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