the jealous type

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annabeth chase was the jealous type.

she knew this. and it was one of the few things she truly despised about herself. especially when it was irrational jealousy. sometimes it made sense. like when she had been jealous of rachel while in the labyrinth or during the battle in manhattan. she may not have liked it, but she could admit her jealousy made sense then. she had liked percy and she thought percy may have liked rachel. it was understandable for her to be jealous.

but now, her jealousy made less sense. it had been two weeks since she had kissed percy on his birthday. two incredible weeks of her and percy finding their grounding as a couple. they only had a few days left at camp before they would be leaving camp to return home for school. usually the summer session of camp ended a lot sooner, but chiron had allowed them to stay a bit longer.

it was hot out today, the sun shining down on them. annabeth sat on the beach with percy, their sides pressed against each other. she couldn't remember the last time she had felt so at peace. she felt happy. for a while at least. she was laughing at some stupid joke percy had made when it seemed the universe had enough of her being happy.

"hey, percy!"

annabeth looked up at the girl who had appeared in front of them. she recognized her as a new camper, one that had arrived just a few days ago. a daughter of aphrodite. percy looked up at her and smiled.

"hey, uh..." he trailed off, not remembering her name.

"leah!" she exclaimed, twirling a lock of her hair with her finger. she had yet to even acknowledge annabeth.

"right, sorry," percy said. "hi, leah. what's up?" he asked. confusion was clear in his voice. annabeth understood. she was also wondering why exactly this girl was here. talking to percy.

leah smiled brightly. "well, i've just heard so much about you. you know, hero of olympus and all." she giggled. annabeth recognized the familiar feeling of jealousy settle in her stomach. "and i was just wondering if you wanted to... hang out sometime?" from the tone of her voice, annabeth assumed leah's version of hanging out was a lot different than her version.

annabeth tensed and shifted uncomfortably. percy stayed silent and looked at annabeth briefly. only then did leah notice her.

"oh, hey. annabelle, right?"

annabeth blinked and then smiled tightly. "annabeth."

"oh, oops," was all leah said before turning her attention back to percy. annabeth looked leah up and down. she felt sick. leah was pretty, she noticed. really pretty. and she stood before them in a baby pink bikini that complimented her tan skin perfectly. her dark hair fell in perfect waves down to her rib cage. her skin seemed to glow and her blue eyes shined. annabeth suddenly felt inferior.

annabeth had an old, black bikini on under a pair of shorts and one of percy's shirts. her skin was scarred all over from her thousands of battles and her eyes were just their normal gray color. nothing special. annabeth's gaze dropped, not wanting to look at the girl in front of them anymore.

"so..." leah said hopefully. "maybe we could hang out at the campfire tonight? or... maybe after the campfire?"

annabeth closed her eyes, trying to force her anger and the sick feeling she had to go away. logically, she knew she shouldn't be jealous. she knew percy was her boyfriend and he had chosen her. but she also knew leah was pretty. prettier than annabeth in her opinion. and a daughter of aphrodite was always more desirable than a daughter of athena.

"um," percy said. "i, uh, already have plans for the campfire. with annabeth. but i'm sure i'll see you around camp or something..."

annabeth could feel leah's eyes on her. annabeth kept hers closed though. she wondered if percy had even realized that leah was shamelessly flirting with him. chances are he had, but she also knew just how oblivious he was when it came to girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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