Ch-5: A new beginning?

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The next morning y/n set out with the others towards the well. She looked anxious and overly quiet. Once they reached the well y/n turned to them and bowed down deeply, her tote dandling on her arm and her hair slightly messed up in the breeze. Koga's fist tightened as he held onto y/n's hair tie.

"Thank you all." y/n spoke heartily. Then she look at them. "I hope I can return soon again." She smiled, although her eyes showed a completely different emotion. "Just in case I can't, I will always remember all of you!"

With that she bowed again and ran to the well without looking back. She jumped in as the others watched anxiously, surprised at her sudden reaction.

"Ouch!" Her voice echoed through the well.

Everyone rushed to the well. Y/n sweat dropped and looked up at them.

"Eh. Guess I am stuck here for a while." She smiled tilting her head to one side.

Koga looked surprised for a bit as a huge grin formed on his face. He jumped into the well and pulled her out as the out as the others stood there surprised. Koga ruffled her hair playfully, a blush forming on his face.

"Indeed it looks like you're going t be with us for a while." He said cheerfully.

Y/n blushed and smiled as she nodded. "I am really glad!"

She hugged Koga's arm making him hard as he looked at her surprised.

"Show me around, won't you?" She squealed joyfully.

"Hell I will!" Koga smirked as the others looked at them with wide eyes.

"Come on let's go!" Koga threw his arms around her shoulder pulling her ahead in excitement.

Y/n joyfully looked back at her other friends and waved at them.

"We shall return in a while!" She told them as Koga escorted her into the forest.

"They are getting along well with each other." Sango grinned.

"I am quite surprised." Miroku commented.

"No wonder." Kagome smiled.

............................... + ..................................

Koga took y/n to a beautiful waterfall. The place was surrounded with different trees and beautiful flower bushes. There is a rocky hill covered with beautiful green moss that goes up at the end. The waterfall is in its center.

"Wow! It's beautiful!!" Y/n exclaimed.

She threw off her shoes and ran into the stream.

"This feels great!" She squealed delightfully.

Koga watched her surprised, the blush never leaving his face.

Y/n looked at Koga from the corner of her eyes and smirked. Then she splashed water at him.

"Hey!!" Koga exclaimed and blushed harder and she splashed water at him again.

Koga grinned and splashed water back at her.

"Hey you!!" Y/n smirked as she ran towards him playfully but slipped and fell.

"Ouch!" She sat up and giggled. "Sorry about that!"

"M..mind getting.. off me?" Koga stuttered, blushing as red as a tomato.

Y/n's eyes widened and she blushed hard as she realized she fell on top of Koga, and now she was sitting straddling his waist, both completely drenched.

"Oh I am so sorry!" She jumped up flustered at the situation. Then she started to laugh as Koga grinned as he got up.

"Nyaaa! Stop running you little punk!!" The nasal voice of a man called out from the forest.

Both Koga and y/n looked at the direction of the voice.

"Try and catch me!" Called out the voice of a little girl.

Y/n's eyes widened as the girl appeared from behind a tree.

"Rin!" Y/n gasped as a wide smile formed on her face. She ran towards her.

Rin looked at her surprised.

"Hello miss! How do you know my name?" She asked blinking.

"Oh pardon me dear." Y/n said kneeling in front of her with a smile. "I am y/n. I have really been wanting to meet you."

Rin smiled happily. "I am glad to meet you too Miss y/n!" She squealed joyfully.

"Hey you stranger! Stay away from her!" Jaken came running out of the bushes, his staff aiming at y/n"

"It's okay Master Jaken. She is very nice!" Y/n told him as he sweat dropped.

Y/n giggled. "Hello Jaken."

"No one calls me by my name!" Jaken squealed annoyed.

Both Rin and y/n giggled.

Y/n pulled Rin in a warm hug. Rin hugged her back.

"You are so warm." Rin spoke softly relaxing in her embrace.

Y/n smiled and pleased the hug and kissed her forehead.

"You are a very good girl." She smiled at Rin.

Koga watched them with a pleasing smile. Suddenly his expression turned serious as his eyes narrowed looking at the direction behind Rin.

"Let's go Y/n." Koga stated in a serious tone, his eyes fixed in that direction.

"I want to meet you again Miss y/n!" Rin squealed.

"I would love to." Y/n smiled as she stood up.

"Yay! I can't wait to tell Lord Sesshomaru about you!" She jumped excited.

"Y/n. We have to leave." Koga stated again, his voice strong and serious.

"Yes Koga." Y/n replied to him.

Then she pat Rin's head and smiled.

"See you around dear!"

Rin nodded and looked at her with a smile as Koga dragged y/n along with him grabbing her wrist.

Silver hair tossed in the wind as Sesshomaru stepped out from behind a tree. He was watching y/n and Rin all this time.

Koga could swear he felt Sesshomaru's eyes were stuck on the human lady whom he held close to himself. That's why he had to take her back.

Sesshomaru closed his eyes as he turned and walked back, Rin and Jaken following him.

........................ to be contd. ................

The Bloodlust of Silver Fangs (Sesshomaru x reader x Koga)Where stories live. Discover now