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The birds chirped slowly as they flew in a flock towards their nests, the animals in the wild scattered back to their hiding places, the trees stopped swaying in the wind as the darkness slowly spread through the kingdom. Men and women pulled their children inside their huts, the vendors scurried back into their houses while the stray dogs tried to find some shelter to protect themselves. 

The sound of men could be heard walking through, inspecting everything slowly as the people from their houses slowly peaked out of their window. With fire torches in one hand, and their royal embellished swords in the other, they walked through the lanes of the village, with every step they took, the heartbeats of the people inside kept increasing. The fear kept building inside every single breathing individual.


"Strange they aren't taking anyone today, it can't happen that they have been satisfied, now can they?" , the man in his early fifties said as he slowly sipped his warm medicinal tea which healed his sore throat. 

"No one is safe until the sun rises...." , the lady spoke as she washed the pot by the small drain inside her house. "The prophecy has just began, the crown prince isn't the only one out there-" she turned to look at her husband, her eyes almost filled with tears and her voice almost broke as she spoke"Promise me you'll keep our son won't let anything happen to him" 

"Jagiya, we'll protect him together, no one can ever hurt him" he walked towards the cradle in which their almost 1 year old son slept peacefully. "Our son is one of a kind Jagiya" he picked up his son slowly in his arms "Born with wisdom and the ability to understand the human spirit, the genius of the south, our son Kim Namjoon"


Fire blazed through the walls of the royal  arsenal, as cries of the men who had caught fire were heard, the horses started growing impatient, everything was a disaster. 

Smoke rose high from the castle grounds but the villages were at a safe distance from the castle. As panic started growing, and the soldiers were helping each other out of the fire, in a distance the sound of the bukkehorn was heard, shifting the attention of the royal guard. He mounted on his horse as he followed the sound. 

"Silly men" 

That was the last thing he heard before he felt a sword slash through his neck and his soul leaving his body. 

"The prophecy has just began"


"Eomma, what are those?" , the kid who was soon going to turn three asked as he rested his head on his mother's lap. 

"Nothing my dear, now go to sleep", she tried to comfort him as she saw the smokes rising up from the castle grounds in the distance.

"No tell me, I am a big kid", he jolted up in denial. 

"Come here, I'll tell you", she slowly made him sit on his lap as both of them looked out of the window, "The world isn't as beautiful it is, sometimes there are cruel people, and those cruel people try to hurt good people, and do you know what good people do?"

The little one turned to look at his mother, "They fight them and save them!", his eyes glistened as he spoke.

"Yes yes", she laughed at his innocence, "and do you know for that what you need the most?"

The boy had a huge question mark on his face as he parted his mouth open and looked for an answer on his mother's face.

"Faith" she lifted him in his arms and walked towards the shed behind their house which was quite at a distance from them. "Remember these birds is our greatest possession, we might not be as blessed as the royals but we're still privileged enough that we can provide a better life to the ones in need" 

The boy had the largest smile on his face as he listened to the words, trying to make out a meaning on his own of what his mother had just said. But the peaceful moment didn't last long as they heard shouts from the streets and the sound of the door rattling. Fear spread across the mother's face as she looked in the direction of the door. 

She hurried inside the shed grabbing a large coat from behind the shelves, and behind her locked the door to the shed. She placed her son down and covered him with the coat and made him sit in a corner. 

"Stay here and don't leave until I ask you to, okay?"


"Eomma loves you, always remember, you're strong, you're not to be afraid of anyone"

"Eom-eomma st-stay....Don't leave me alone" the boy cried slowly holding on to the sleeves of the hanbok that his mother wore.

"You're not alone see...." she picked up a cage where a small dove was sitting and fluttering her wings, "Remember what I said" she said as she slowly kissed his forehead and placed the cage beside him and unlocked the door of the shed.

"At times all we need is, Faith, Seokjin-ah"

The woman rushed inside the house as the little boy his eyes filled with tears slowly walked to the door and saw throught the creak of the door what was happening inside their house.

The darkness wasn't helping him see what he wanted to and maybe that was a blessing from the gods above, but the devil doesn't even spare a little child. Shrieks of the women filled in the house as he saw a shadow of a man pulling a sword up and then pushing it down , and even before the little one could understand, he saw a limp body fall onto the ground, eyes filled with fear as tears rolled down slowly.

"Our job is done here, let's go"

Those were the last words the little kid could hear as he slowly started sobbing, he hugged himself and pulled the cage closer to him.

In between his sobs all he could say to the cage near him and the numerous other birds in the shelter was a word he had just learned....



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