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We talked for a few more hours until it was 5 already. She said she wants to go home now. Although I didn't like the idea,I didn't want her to think of me as a creep so I told her that I'll drop her. She resisted at first and then finally gave in.

Right now, we are walking by an alley. She usually doesn't go from the alley for safety reasons, but I am with her so she is relieved. I'm happy that she finds comfort in me....

There are many creeps smoking and drinking here so she's just keeping her head down and walking a little closer to me. I sensed her fear and pulled her closer as if to show them that we are a couple.

I kept an arm around her waist and our sides were touching. I know I sound like a horny teenager who just saw their crush, but I'm just describing my feelings.

Soon, we were out of the alley and 2 minutes away from her house. I felt that she was a little tensed and I realized that my arm was still around her. I quickly took it back and muttered a small sorry. She smiled and said "it's ok,by the way, thank you for helping" she bowed a little. My heart melted.

Soon,we were at her doorstep. I was quite sad but....what can I do? She'll think of me as a freak.

We bade goodbyes and went in our ways. Once she was inside,I got back from my hiding place and found a place near the window to sit. I sat down and observed her. She looked so....beautiful. I wish I appreciated my noona when I had the time....but I guess I was to blind to appreciate the gem.

I watched her with a smile on my lips. Now,I can clarify that I have fallen for her. Deeply.

But...it still feels weird. I just thought of her as my sister in the first place....how can I fall in love with her? Is it considered as in incest? But...as far as I know,she isn't from our family. Then it won't be considered as incest right? I'm so confused. But...what if she rejects me? Ughh my head hurts.

Finally after making sure she is totally safe,I went back. It was 12am. I was walking to my house when I remembered.....

I didn't visit noona today....

I ran at full speed towards the graveyard. I don't care if it's midnight or what. I just wanna see her. I bought a couple of tulips for her and went there.

I was a crying mess. I forgot about her.... I broke my promise for the second time... Noona told me I will forget her when I find my soulmate. But I didn't wanna believe. I'm so dumb..... ARGHHH I hate myself.

Soon,I found myself knelt down near her grave stone. "I'm sorry noona... Please forgive me. I never meant to forget to visit you. Really."I was crying while kneeling.

After 15 minutes of apologising,I went back.

~next morning~
I woke up by the sun rays. My eyes were puffy due to the continuous crying. I did my morning routine and ate my breakfast. After some rest,I went to my work.

I wanted to go out early so I took a half day leave. More like told the girl to do the work on my behalf who was always trying to get in my pants.

People are so pathetic....

It is 4 pm. I was walking when I thought of paying a visit to Ara's school. Yesterday at her house,I saw her ID card and it said she studies at Seoul high school.

I started walking there and after 9 minutes,I reached there. I realised how awkward it would be for me to just show up at her school so I just decided to stalk her.

I was hiding behind the bush when I saw her.....with a boy....

She was laughing and smiling at him. I felt my nerves Popping.
End if chapter

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The Regretted Words {Tae ff} Book 2 Completed✔Where stories live. Discover now