My new adopted brother!

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Waking up for school after a horrible night because of a fight with my mum, I was still angry and upset with her and I was shattered een though I fell asleep at 7 then woke up at 9 then woke up for the last time at 5,10 past 12 this morning.Getting ready putting on my black skinny jeans, a white vest top and my red all star converse.Putting on my black eyeliner,Black mascara which bring out my soft baby blue eyes and make my eyelashes huge,some light pink blush and pink lip gloss then tying my long blonde hair up in a high pony tail and grabbing my black leather jacket and bag,i was ready to go.

Looking at my Iphone 4s,it was 8 past 8,so i texted my best friend Ryan,

"Heyy,i'll be down at about 20 past xx"

5 minutes later,my phone made a bleep bleep and i checked my phone, he sent me a text back

"No problem,ill see you then xx"

I checked my phone 2 mins after i got the text and it read 8:15 so i grabbed my £3.50 and my keys and walked out the door not talking to anyone on the way.By the time i got to Ryans door it was bang on 20 past,i knocked the door and his mum,Sharon answered,she was pretty for her age and having 4 kids,Ryan was the oldest.Before i could speak she shouted up the stairs

"RYAN!,Lexi's at the door!"

"Ok,ill be 10 mins!"

Sharon turned to me and smiled,

" the Laxy bugger,has just got out his bed,c'mon in Lexi"

I burst out laughing and walked into the living room and Ryan's wee sister,Paige who is 9 told me to sit beside her.She was allready for school unlike 2 of her brothers.One of them,Zeke who is 11 stood looking at me and smiled.

"Lexi,how old are you?,because Ryan is 16 but Marc is 14"Paige's cute voice asked

"im 15,and who put your gorgous brown hair into tat cute little bun?"

She giggled and answered "my mum" just then Ryan walked in,his gorgous brown hair hung over his eyes and his lip piercing was in,he had on his lack jeans,black converse and a white MCR t-shirt then he grabbed his black Asking Alexandria zipper.He waved and i waved back not saying a word. Just then my phone rang,the word "mum" came up on screen,i sighed and answered.


"Umm...Lexi,honey,i have some news where are you?"

"im at Ryan's,why?"

"i know you wanted to go to school today,but could you please come home"

By now the fight that happened this morning had vanished out my head and i was filled with worry

"mum,is everything ok and ill be up in 10 minutes"

"yeah,everything fine and ok hunni"

i turned to Ryan

"i really need to go,i've not to go to school,theressomething wrong"

he nodded and we hugged goodbye,i sprinted up the road and ran into the house to find a totally hot emo boy standing beside my mum and a social worker? I walked in totally confused they all looked at me and my mum and the social worker smiled.

"this is Linda,"my mum said pointing to the lady then Linda spoke"and this is Axel"

I looked at Axel just as he looked at me,i smiled then turned to my mum and said

"well,whats he doing here?" i asked confused,She smiled and started acting,like me when a new MCR song comes out,

"Im adopting him,he's a year older than you and will be moving in Today!" she gushed out, i turned and ran to my grans,she's my dad's mum who i adore,i loved her and my granda but he died , i took her black remote and turned it down a lot! I sat in my grans for about an hour before i got a message from my mum asking where i was because Axel wanted to meet me. Yeah right.

So i left my grans at 1pm and made my way home in the peeing rain, i got home after 20 minutes soaked so i walked through the door with my school clothes dripping wet my hair soaking and my mascara and eyeliner running down my face.I LOOKED A STATE!! Mum was there to meet me in the hallway and she looked Angry but relieved aswell,

"where have you been?,i was worried and Axel wanted to meet you!" she annoyingly asked.

"i was at grans and fine,where is he i'll go meet him?" i said in a bored tone,which wasnt unusual for me.

She pointed upstairs to the spare room and i trudged upstairs but before i even knocked on the door i heard him Rebel Love Song by Black Viel Brides,i kinda quessed he was like me,into the metal and rock music but he was an amazing singer.

A/N:so how's my new story,ive decided im going to keep this one going until it's finished and if i get enough votes and comments then ill enter it in the Watty Awards :).and also comment what you think will happen next!

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