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Sidharth looked at Shehnaaz confused, "but Shehnaaz.. 7th april ko toh engagement...."
his words trailed of when he noticed the certainty in her eyes and he understood she was not forgetting anything..
Shehnaaz looked at lawyer again, "make it 7th april.. we will go through it once and for all.."
Mr. Shah nodded and walked away while Sidharth and Shehnaaz made their ways towards their destination...
Malini was sitting in her small house all alone surrounded by darkness....
she has lost in all ways...
she had though Baaz was her hukum ka ikka.. but seems like her hukun ka ikka was already in Shehnaaz team.. exatcly how and when Shehnaaz managed to find Baaz and took him away..?? how come she never knew anything about it..??
she sighed and closed her eyes as her thoughts went back to the information she got yesterday... she had thought that Baaz will bring Shehnaaz to her feet.. but when she had went to the place where she had kept Baaz in her custody.. they had relucantly told her that it had been more than a year since Baaz is not with them..
Malini had felt the earth sleeping below her feet.. she had went crazy over them asking how this happened and why they didn't informed her.. but they had told her how some people came their place and beat them brutally.. took Baaz away and also threatenened them not to tell malini anything about this.. and keep acting till she herself will not come here...
Malini had fallen on the floar in shock and horror...
now what ??
her husband was right.. they were over.. indeed they were over... grhh she did so much for that property.. and that bloody Shehnaaz Gill took their delhi's property as well..
and my daughter Sam.. she is not worth of calling a daughter.. she threw us out of our home just because i have put the home under her name..
Balraj was already in custody.. the income tax scandal against him was so strong that there was no hope of his coming out at least for few years... there is no way they could save him...
that Shehnaaz Gill..ruined my son and manipulated my daughter.. just like Jasbeera bhabhi.. she had also manipulated daarji against me..
whyyyyy.. hell why... I will kill her.. that litle.. oughh.. but what is left to do now.. we are no one.. we have no money.. nothing...
what to do now.......
Malini was lost in her thoughts when the door was bang opened and police office walked in with his team..
Taken aback, she stood up, "ji.. mere pati ghar pe nahi hai.."
Inspector stared at her, "where is he..? call him right now.."
Scared, Malini asked relucantly, "umm.. par baat kya hai sir..?"
Inspector moved forward and stood right in front of her, "Mrs. Malini Gill, you and your husband Mr. Mohinder are under arrest.."
Malini's eyes widened in horror as her face became pale, "kya... par kyu..?"
A lady inspector put the locks in Malini's hand as Inspector filled in, " Rajender Gill or Jasbeera Gill ke khun ke ilzaam me..."

BeImtahaan...💙 Completed
RomanceSometimes.... Distance is necessary... It will hurt you.. it will kill you.. but at the same time, it will give you time to rethink of the mistakes.. Dooriyan.. is necessary to understand each other.. Until and unless, we bear some distance in a r...